Fellow media fan and trans man
boi4eliza has his first album coming out! You might remember James from those incredibly catchy bandom songs that he wrote and sung himself:
Pint-sized Romeo, and
Boy in the Trucker Cap. The album is a mix of acoustic and rock, and what I've heard so far sounds awesome!
Click to view
James is also planning to put all the profits from the CD towards his chest surgery. In case you don't know, in most places insurance companies won't cover surgery that trans people need to transition. Despite this, it's often impossible to legally change your gender without having had surgery.* Insurance companies defend this practice by saying it's only "cosmetic surgery." But for many trans men this is an essential medical procedure in order to live their lives fully, without (or with less of) the despair and distress of body dysphoria, the pain of daily binding, and the fear of not passing. For a singer - someone who makes a living from their voice - it's even more freeing.
So far, James has had a hard time getting his announcement into both trans and bandom communities. If you can help with this or just pass on the word via your journal, that would be amazing.
If you're in the States,
jarrow is doing a mass shipping order:
GO HERE IF YOU WANT FREE SHIPPING AND YOU'RE IN THE U.S. Finally, to give this a little boost, if you comment here and say you want a copy of the CD, I will put your name in a hat and WHOEVER I PICK OUT OF IT WILL GET A FREE COPY, care of me. Awesome, y/y? The deadline to put your name in is Monday September 28 at midnight EST. (And this one goes for anyone, whether you live in the States or not. Please also leave your email if it's not easily findable.)
*I don't know exactly what James' situation is wrt insurance and legal stuff (and it's not my place to ask) but nearly all trans people face huge obstacles to getting surgery. I think this is unjust and believe that trans people should try to support each other's attempts to pay for surgery whenever possible.