recs (angel, sga, burn notice, crossovers)

Jan 20, 2008 22:41

I'm trying to keep up with livejournal but it just ain't happenin'. Still here's a few pretties I've stumbled across on my infrequent jaunts into fandom-land...

Fear Not Guilt by wisdomeagle (ATS, Angel/Wesley) This almost made me cry. Srsly, go read it.

Love Warrior (fanart) by echelon_ga_l for The Czech is in the Male (hee!) ficathon. Radek/Ronon comic strip and immensely cute!

In case it hasn't been recced up and down to you, go read telesilla's modern-day-California vampire AU that doesn't use the word "vampire" once, It's What You Don't See (SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17 for hot blood-sucking sex!)

Some Burn Notice love... Adrenaline by wizefics (my yuletide writer!) - rough Michael/Fiona porn.

and as I slowly work my way through the winterdead_drop gifts, Down Time by mayatawi is a LONG Burn Notice/Casino Royale crossover with some v. hot Bond/Westen action that had me holding my breath. I haven't seen Casino Royale, movie-slacker that I am, but Daniel Craig is a hottie in Copenhagen.

And finally, hackthis's stories which are a total find... Like Wanted: One Fucking Miracle Worker - an Entourage/RPS (George Clooney)/Heroes/Burn Notice crossover. Entourage, I recently discovered, is awesome, especially Ari. He's kind of like a cruder version of what Rodney would be like if he was a Hollywood agent (by which I mean is he's an asshole but a loveable one.) It's Nathan/Peter Petrelli but just some hugging and kissing (PG-13.)

Check this: "I know a guy who knows a guy in Ireland," which Ari translates as George's ex-fuck buddy Michael Westen has an ex-fuck buddy in Ireland who's found the kid.

There's something wrong with my fannish brain that I always get really into shows when they're not on the air. I'm completely ignoring SGA right now, for example, and I'm really into Burn Notice which isn't on for MONTHS. What's your damage, brain?

And what's the deal with nipples, anyway?


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