Dec 07, 2005 17:19

Of course Casemail is going to go down tonight. Why wouldn't Casemail go down the week before finals when everyone is doing presenations at Nord and then emailing them to themselves?!

*kicks internet*

Blackbelt test is Saturday. I go today to turn in my thesis and buy sparring equipment. Sucky lots because I can't afford the sparring equipment AND the test AND Christmas. Christmas presents this year are going to consist of IOUs, I think. At least I can buy Chris's present later. We don't exchange gifts until after we get back from break. That gives me a whole month to earn money for a gift. For my They know I'm broke. Darn you health problems! *shakes fist*

Time to go memorize the 9 thingies and the 10 other thingies and some Korean!
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