Winter in MN

Jan 23, 2006 21:58

It's been mild so far. But lo and behold-- 22 mph winds forecasted for tomorrow. Yeehaw! Ride 'em, Cowgirl...

More importantly, it's great to be back at school with the roommates. Home is nice for a week or two but then it gets mildly suffocating. I like my independence.

I'm taking orgo I this term. It has a hellish reputation but I took the first exam today and I think I will do fine in the class. We do a lot of practice problems, problem sets, reading, etc. but the material isn't horrendous. Touch wood that it doesn't suddenly turn starting with Wednesday's lecture!

I'm also taking cell bio. Catherine covers a ridiculous amount of material each lecture. It's harder than orgo, believe it or not. We have weekly quizzes for which Lily and I study a few hours every Sunday. However there isn't as much daily work as there is for orgo.

And that's it... only two classes this term. If I hadn't had 9 internship applications to work on this month, I would be fairly relaxed right now.

I'm almost done with those apps. 2 to go. I am applying for biomedical/cellular biology summer research positions thoughout the eastern U.S. (and MN). Hopefully I'll get accepted to one. If not... I shudder to think of spending another summer helping snobby rich people at Borders.

Joe is as busy as ever, and will only get busier. I'm busy too... But we're making it work. We're good together. :)

Since Joe intends to study for exams over Easter break, I am free to do my own thing. My parents offered some of our Disney points to my roommates and I-- we'll be spending 5 nights in Orlando in March! We're all excited for the term to be over as a result. I will be spending uber moneys but to be in Disney World with friends... almost as good as making out with your boyfriend in the UK. Almost. ;)

My birthday is coming up next Feb. 10. I'll be the big 20. Almost 21... 21 is takin' a long time to get here! I have a cell bio midterm two days before, and an orgo midterm on my actual birthday. And Girl Scout Math and Science Day (which I help to run) is the day after. That equates to no fun on the birthday. Hmph. :p

Best thing about this term: no copious amounts of reading and NO ESSAYS! :) :) :)
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