[I22] MISFIRE (1/2)

Aug 01, 2016 19:55

Prompt Code: I22
Title: Misfire
Rating: PG-13
Side Pairings (if any): Baekyeol, a smidge of Hunhan
Warnings: Some slight swearing
Word Count: 12.3K
Summary: The dark isn’t as scary when Jongin is there.
AN: So I took a lot of liberties with the prompt, but I still want to thank the prompter. You gave me a solid starting point and I hope you like your story! I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read this. I need to thank the fest organizers because they are seriously so kind and literally gave me a million chances to finish this fic! Please give my fic a chance and enjoy the kaisoo! Thank you~

Kyungsoo stared at his groomed reflection. His hair was straight and perfectly combed, his tie was even and tight. Nothing about his appearance was out of place. This type of perfection and neatness was a given in the Do family. The Do family ran one of the most successful technology businesses in the country and Kyungsoo had been raised to the be one of the leaders of Do Tech since birth. Presentation was of utmost importance.

A beep from his phone made Kyungsoo turn away from the mirror. It was a text from his hyung telling him that the limo was ready to take him to school. Kyungsoo attended a prestigious university, a must on the Do family checklist of success.

Kyungsoo grabbed his leather backpack and made his way to the stairs. Onew greeted him at the bottom.

“Good morning Kyungsoo-yah”

“Morning hyung.” Kyungsoo grumbled back.

Onew only chuckled at his brother.

“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed Soo?”

Kyungsoo glared at Onew. He was in no mood for the always chipper Onew. Mornings were not made to be peppy. He had only just woken up, but he already had a headache.

“Let’s not keep Seoen waiting.” Onew said, referring to the limo driver.

Together the brothers left their splendid mansion, Onew trying to shove a bagel into his brother’s hands. Onew was a senior at the same college as Kyungsoo. He was actually on track to graduate early, in a few weeks. That’s what summer classes will get you. Kyungsoo did not have to urge to follow in his cheery brother’s footsteps, but his parents had forced him to take summer classes. Kyungsoo countered this order by never taking classes that applied to his double business and nanotechnology major. His summers were usually spent with voice lessons and music compositions, his true passion.

So far his life had a good balance of pleasing his parents and pleasing himself. His parents’ main concern was Onew, he was the one being groomed to be CEO. Kyungsoo was simply leftovers. He liked it that way.


Kyungsoo plopped down next to his friend Chanyeol, who was fast asleep on the desk in front of him.

“Hey,” Kyungsoo said.

Chanyeol opened his eyes and slowly came to life. He swooshed his bright red bangs out of his eyes and yawned.

Chanyeol’s major was physics, specifically quantum electrodynamics. He got his panties in a twist at the mention of light waves and special relativity. All stuff that were of absolutely no interest to Kyungsoo. He secretly thinks that Chanyeol is the only person on the planet interested. Kyungsoo would have never met him if it weren’t for some shared math requirements necessary for graduation. They both opted to fill their first class elective with sign language after becoming unlikely friends. It was one of the only classes they could both get into and it honestly wasn’t so bad. It might even be useful.

“Hey, shorty.” said Chanyeol.

“What’s with the drool, big foot?”

The duo’s taunts were a regular part of their friendship.

“I was up all night studying the Higgs Boson theory. It’s really fascinating.”

Chanyeol’s eyes brightened at the mention of his nerd thing.

“What about you? You have eye bags the size of baseballs.”

“I had a little trouble getting to sleep. It’s not a big deal. “ Kyungsoo sighed.

People really shouldn’t worry about him.

Chanyeol looked like he was going to push the subject, but a short brunette walked in and silenced whatever inquiries he had. Kyungsoo turned his head to follow Chanyeol’s gaze. He scoffed when he saw Baekhyun.

“You’re a coward, Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo said.

“What?” a dazed Chanyeol muttered.

“You know, relationships usually start with people getting to know each other. The first step is a friendly ‘hello’. It’s really simple.”

“Come on Kyungsoo. I can’t talk to him. He’s, well he’s Baekhyun.”

“You sound like a preteen girl.”

“Wait, relationship? I don’t want a relationship.”

For being so smart Chanyeol’s brain was kind of slow. Maybe he just has social problems.

Kyungsoo stood up and made his way to Baekhyun’s seat.

“Hey, I’m Kyungsoo. My friend wants to know if you’re busy this weekend.” said Kyungsoo.

“Chanyeol wants to know?” Baekhyun said.

Hmm, interesting. He knows Chanyeol’s name.

“I-I’m not busy.”

Was that a blush Kyungsoo saw?

“Here.” Baekhyun said, handing Kyungsoo a scrap of paper with a number on it.

Kyungsoo returned to Chanyeol with a smirk.

“He wants to hang out.”

“With me?” said Chanyeol.

“No, me.”

The red haired boy’s face fell. Chanyeol made it so easy.

“Duh, with you. Here’s his number.”

Chanyeol took the paper scrap like it was made of a fragile butterfly wing.

“He knew your name. Perhaps you haven’t been hiding as well as you thought you have.” Kyungsoo said.


Chanyeol looked like he was going to pass out. Kyungsoo chuckled as the professor began class.


Days of Kyungsoo’s daily routine passed by uneventfully. The only thing different was watching Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s flirting. Baekhyun wasn’t actually that bad. A little sassy and overly fond of Chanyeol, but Kyungsoo found himself becoming friends with the little brunette. The trio were currently in one of the more sociable libraries, not by Kyungsoo’s choice, discussing Chanyeol’s upcoming project. Baekhyun was just like Kyungsoo for the fact that he knew nothing about quantum electrodynamics. However, Baekhyun was unlike Kyungsoo because he actually pretended he was as entranced as Chanyeol and hung on the taller boy’s every word. Maybe he was just admiring the boy in front of him and all those happy sighs were for Chanyeol, not physics.

When Chanyeol seemed to have finished his rant, Baekhyun spoke up.

“There’s actually a talent contest for the arts center this Thursday. I was going to do a song cover. What do you think I should sing, Yeolie?”

Ugh. Did Kyungsoo mention the sickly sweet nicknames?

“I can come over later and go through some songs you know.”

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun like a puppy would look at a new toy. Kind of cute, but a little creepy. Soon that look was transferred over to Kyungsoo.

Dread filled Kyungsoo. What kind of crazy idea has Park Chanyeol come up with now?

“You know, Kyungsoo actually sings.” Chanyeol said.

Kyungsoo groaned.

“Really? That’s cool.” said Baekhyun.

“He’s good too. Not as good you I’m sure bu-” Chanyeol was cut off by a grumpy looking Kyungsoo and a kick to the shin.

“You should enter the contest! The prize is a pretty great scholarship.” Baekhyun looked excited.

“I don’t nee- want a scholarship.”

Kyungsoo didn’t like to tell people about his wealthy family.

“Well, I guess you could switch prizes with second place if you won. Last year it was something like bypassing the waitlist for a music class.”

Kyungsoo could use that for his summer classes. There were a few classes he hadn’t been able to get into yet. He probably wouldn’t have to worry about the prizes at all. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were looking at him, full of hope. They both looked way too invested.

“Fine.” said Kyungsoo.

“I’ll do this talent show.”


A bang sent Jongin’s head up and eyes open. A familiar laugh soon followed.

“Really Sehun.” Jongin groaned as he put his head back on the studio floor.

“Hey I didn’t think you’d actually fall asleep on break,” Sehun said. “You don’t want to be kicked out right?”

“You couldn’t think of a gentler way of waking me up?” Jongin spoke into the floor.

“Of course but where is the fun in that?”

“For the record, I told him he should have sat on you instead.” said Jongdae.

“Gee thanks Jongdae.” Jongin said.

Jongin rolled over and grimaced at the lights in his face. Squinting, he saw Jongdae and Sehun the Bum were playing a game on his phone.

“Wakie wakie sleeping beauty.” Sehun cooed.

“Five minutes,class!” said their instructor.

“Whatever you two are doing on my phone you’d better finish it up.” Jongin said.

“See, look how grumpy you are,” Sehun said. “Naps are supposed to be refreshing but you always wake up like a gremlin.”

“Are you bullying Jongin again Sehun?” Luhan plopped down next to Jongin.

“The real question should be when he is not bullying me?” Jongin replied.

Jongin sat up and stretched his long arms with a yawn. His disheveled appearance caught his eye in the mirrored wall ahead of him. A groan escaped his lips as he shoved his hands into hair, trying to create some order or at least trying to not look like a crazy person.

Luhan chuckled at Jongin’s antics and proceeded to help the younger tidy his hair.

“You look like a hobo.” said Sehun.

“Proof!” said Jongin. “He’s a brat.”

Sehun pouted and batted his eyelashes at Luhan.

“Come on, hyung. He really does look like a hobo. You know I’m not a brat.” Sehun said.

Sehun pulled Luhan’s hands out of Jongin’s hair. Whatever response Luhan was going to offer was cut off by the dance instructor’s orders to begin.

Jongin and the rest of students stood up, ready to run the dance from the top once more.


“I’m tired.” Baekhyun whined.

Chanyeol glanced at the clock.

“Baek, it’s only 5. How are you tired?”

“Cause I’m an old man. An old man who needs his beauty sleep!” Baekhyun pouted as he laid his head down on one of the many open textbooks layering the desk.

“You look plenty beautiful to me.” Chanyeol said with a smile.

“You are a cheese ball.” Baekhyun said.

“Yeah, but I’m your cheese ball. Your smart little cheese ball who is trying to keep you from failing calc.” Chanyeol poked Baekhyun’s cheek.

“I’d rather cuddle.” Baekhyun jumped up with more energy than someone too exhausted to lift a pencil should have.

“Stop being gross on my bed.” Kyungsoo said.

Chanyeol sat up with a blush while his stubborn boyfriend continued to snuggle under Kyungsoo’s blankets.

“Don’t worry Soo,” Baekhyun said. “You can come snuggle too if you want.”

“Weren’t you the one who wanted help?” Kyungsoo said.

“That was before I found your bed.”

Chanyeol sat in silence and let his friends continue their banter. Baekhyun’s quick tongue and Kyungsoo’s no-silly-business attitude would often clash in harmless quarrels. Well, harmless if you just let it run its course.

So after a few remarks about Kyungsoo’s bed always being in the same place and the impossibility of Baekhyun’s discovery countered by whines insisting a cuddle break, the three friends settled back into their textbooks.

The trio’s hangouts were nothing new. Kyungsoo always brought them to his townhouse rather than the mansion where his family resided. The townhouse was actually for Onew when he was taking on extra classes to graduate early. His parents had surprised him with it, but now it lay mostly vacant.

After a few hours of suffering through mountains of math and Baekhyun’s intense struggle with the concept of derivatives, Kyungsoo decided to call an end to their study session. Chanyeol and Baekhyun left with their backpacks full of completed problems, their eyes full of sleep, and their heads full of fuzz.

Kyungsoo fell back onto his bed with a satisfied sigh. He reached for phone in his back pocket to find it was not there. With a groan, Kyungsoo leapt up and began searching for his phone amongst the ruckus that was the room after having Baekhyun and Chanyeol over. Kyungsoo was about to give up and call in a morning search when he remembered he had been using his phone to photograph Baekhyun harassing the ducks at the pond near campus. As much as Kyungsoo enjoyed the ducks’ peaceful lives, he couldn’t deny the amusement in seeing Baekhyun squawk after them. Baekhyun had insisted on looking at the photos and took his phone. Kyungsoo didn’t remember ever retrieving it from energetic brunette.

In one last ditch effort, Kyungsoo dug through his backpack. Upon hitting the bottom he felt his phone, case-less. Kyungsoo took out his phone and cursed Baekhyun for somehow losing his case. He clicked the phone on to check the time. He should probably go home or Onew would worry. His eyes felt heavy as he drifted off to sleep, thinking about how he should text his brother.


“Hey, do you guys want to get ice cream?” Luhan said.

“Shocker, Lulu asking for something sweet.” said Jongdae.

“There’s nothing wrong with sweets. I would love to get some ice cream Luhan hyung.” said Sehun with a defiant stomp.

“I’m in.” said Jongin.

The four boys began walking to the ice cream shop near the center of campus. They joked around all the way there. After ordering, Sehun making Luhan order for him, the dancers decided to walk to the park across the street to eat their sweet delights.

“I’m serious, how do ducks just know where to find water? They are no lakes or rivers anywhere near here, but there are ducks in the pond.” Luhan asked.

“I don’t know, duck radar or something.” said Jongdae.

Sehun and Jongin laughed at the idea of ducks having radar. A peaceful quiet that can only happen when Sehun’s mouth is full of food came over the friends. Suddenly, a boy from the bench a few feet away began squealing and chasing a herd of ducks. A bright red headed boy was keeled over with laughter while a darker haired boy was quietly laughing along with his phone outstretched to document the disturbance.

“Reminds me of you Sehun. You should be friends.” said Jongin.

Sehun pouted before joining the laughter of his friends.

Jongin watched the three other boys walk away from the park, still smiling about the raucous scene.


When Kyungsoo awoke, his phone was full of worried texts from Onew.

“Crap.” Kyungsoo muttered.

Quickly, he called Onew. A frantic voice answered.

“Kyungsoo, are you alright? It’s the middle of the night. No one has any idea where you are!”

“I’m sorry, hyung. I fell asleep at the townhouse.” said Kyungsoo.

“The townhouse? Why are you at the townhouse?”

“My friends and I were studying. It’s just easier to bring them here. You know, closer.”

Kyungsoo felt a little guilty, but it wasn’t like he was lying. The townhouse was closer.

“I’m sending a limo to get you.” Onew sighed, “Why are you still there? You can’t still be studying.”

“I fell asleep.”

“Just be ready when the limo comes.” said Onew.

The limo arrived momentarily. Kyungsoo sunk into the dark leather seats, half surprised that Onew hadn’t come along. He knew the ride home was short, but again felt sleep overtake him.

A light knock on the window woke Kyungsoo.

“Sir, we have arrived.” said the driver.

“Thanks.” said Kyungsoo as he left the limo.

Kyungsoo went inside his home, expecting Onew to be in the sitting room or the foyer. Onew was nowhere to be seen. Kyungsoo walked around until he found him in his study.

“Hi hyung.” he said.

Onew turned around in his spinning chair.

“Soo.” he said gently.

His soft facial expression suddenly hardened, as if he remembered that he was angry. A short sigh escaped his lips.

“You’re going to have to be more responsible Kyungsoo. You can’t just wander the city and fall asleep wherever you’d like.”

Kyungsoo nodded although he thought it was a bit much. He hadn’t wandered the city, it’s not like he fell asleep in the street.

“I won’t always be here to take care of you. You know mother and father are too busy to pry into your daily routine.”

Sure, that’s why they didn’t bother with him. They were just busy. Kyungsoo fought the urge to scoff at his brother’s words.

“Just, go to bed Kyungsoo.” said Onew with an exasperated sigh.

Kyungsoo ducked out of the study with a soft “sorry” and “goodnight”. He wondered why Onew seemed more uptight than usual. Perhaps it was the stress of graduation early.


In the darkness of Kyungsoo’s bedroom he felt safe. Night had always been a favorite time for Kyungsoo. He liked the quiet and the freedom it offered. Night was when he thought of his best ideas and did his best work. No one expected anything of him during the night. Kyungsoo didn’t feel like sleeping, so he didn’t. He worked on picking a song for the talent show. He figured that his voice did best with smooth ballads. He sifted through all the songs he knew until the sunlight crept through his curtains. Soon his alarm would ring and it would be time for school again.

Kyungsoo took a quick shower and began the process of dressing for school. He flipped through his backpack to make sure that he had the proper assignments and books for today’s classes. Everything was neat and in order, just how he liked to start his days.

Today was Wednesday, the day before the talent show. Baekhyun was atwitter with excitement. Chanyeol just stared adoringly at him as he blabbered on about the show as they walked to lunch.

“I heard that one of the best dance groups is gonna be there.” said Baekhyun.

His eyes lit up.

“I actually know where their studio is. Do you guys want to go take a peek?” he said.

“Sure.” said Chanyeol.

“Not really.” said Kyungsoo.

“Come on, it will be fun. Got to get a look at the competition!” Baekhyun pulled his friends in the direction of the studio.


“A five, six, seven, eight!” the dance instructor said.

The loud beat filled the room and Jongin’s body took over. Dancing is what he loved. Jongin’s personality was on the quiet side, it used to be a lot worse. He used to have anxiety about talking to people. Now he just prefers not too, unless they are one of his few friends. He didn’t have any friends outside of dance, which his mother told him was unhealthy. Jongin was very satisfied with his little dance squad though.

The beat continued and all thoughts Jongin had were replaced with movements. Jongin could turn on some music, let his body do what it wanted, and not wake up for hours. The only proof that time had passed were his sore muscles and the moving sun.

When the song was done, Jongin smiled. It felt good to dance again. Their instructor had told them not to practice a few days earlier so they weren’t sore for the competition.

“Nice work everyone. I want to run it one more time and then we’ll call it a day.” said the instructor.

Giggles at the door drew Jongin’s attention. The door leading outside had been kept open because of the heat in the studio. Jongin swore he saw a little head pull away as he looked. There wasn’t much time to consider what he saw because the music started again.


“Baekhyun, this is creepy.” Kyungsoo whispered as they came closer to the open studio door.

“No, this is dedication.” said Baekhyun.

Chanyeol had been sent to keep watch and make sure no one saw Kyungsoo and Baekhyun “being dedicated”.

Loud music with a heavy beat came pouring from the door. Baekhyun stuck his head around first.

“Wow.” he said.

Kyungsoo knew he was being tempted, but decided to look anyway. I mean, they were already here. What could a peek hurt?

Inside the studio were a group of six or so boys performing an intense and syncopated dance. Kyungsoo scanned the boys carefully. When his eyes landed on the boy in front, he felt oddly drawn to him. As he watched the boy’s smooth movements, his palms became sweaty. The grin that tanned boy sent to the mirror made Kyungsoo’s stomach feel funny. It appeared that a peek could do some harm.

Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo’s face.

“What is up with you?” he whispered.

“Nothing.” Kyungsoo retorted red faced, looking away from the dancers.

“Hot mama, did you spot a cutie Do Kyungsoo?”

Baekhyun giggled just as the song ended. Kyungsoo ripped himself and Baekhyun out of the door and ran to the safety of Chanyeol.

“What’d you see?” said Chanyeol.

“Well, Kyungsoo saw a-” Baekhyun was cut off by a hand flicking his cheek.

“They’re good. Let’s go eat.” grumbled Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun sent a suggestive glance to Chanyeol, a glance that said today would be further discussed later.


The day of talent song was soon upon Kyungsoo. He expected to be awoken by his alarm clock like every morning, but instead, he felt someone jumping atop him and his bed.

“Wakey wakey Soo!” said an annoyingly familiar voice.

“Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo grumbled tiredly.

Wait, Baekhyun?! Kyungsoo sat straight up. How did Baekhyun find his home?

“Hey Kyungsoo.” said Chanyeol.

“Wa-wait how did you guys get here?” Kyungsoo asked.

“We asked your brother. I went to your townhouse yesterday, but no one was there. So I texted your brother and asked where you were.” said Baekhyun.

“But how do you have Onew’s number?”

Kyungsoo was not equipped to handle this much crazy in the morning.

“I have my sources.” said Baekhyun.

“You never told me you live in a castle!” said Chanyeol.

“Are you like some sort of prince?” said Baekhyun.

“I am not a prince. My family just has a business.” Kyungsoo said.

“It must be a damn good business.” said Chanyeol.

“Enough about your dream house, you need to get up.”

Baekhyun dragged Kyungsoo’s covers away. Whatever gratitude Kyungsoo had felt for Baekhyun stopping the conversation about his house ended when he stole his covers.

Kyungsoo was shoved into the bathroom. Inside, he began his usual routine. He added a cup of water and an ibuprofen to soothe his headache. He figured it had been caused by Baekhyun’s squeals.

Kyungsoo steps out of the bathroom in his usual formal attire. The bottom-up shirt is fine pressed and wrinkle free. He went with some nice khaki pants and shined brown shoes.

“See, this is why I had to come over.” said Baekhyun, “You always dress like you’re going to a job interview or a funeral.”

“I like to look put together.” said Kyungsoo, puzzled at how nice clothes could be frustrating his friend.

“Well you don’t need to look put together for the show, you need to look deep and mysterious. You need to look hot.” Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol laughed at Kyungsoo’s reddening face.

“It will be easier if you just say yes.” said Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo looked between his two friends and decided to take Chanyeol’s advice.

“Don’t touch my hair and there will be no makeup.” said Kyungsoo.

“Yes!” said Baekhyun.

Soon Kyungsoo’s room was a flurry of clothes. Kyungsoo didn’t even know where Baekhyun suddenly got all of these clothes. Chanyeol stood back and chuckled at Kyungsoo’s facial expressions, occasionally holding something for his boyfriend.

Kyungsoo found himself in black fitted pants and a gray top of sorts. Baekhyun also made him throw a black leather jacket on top. Lastly, he was forced to wear black boots with random silver bits on them that didn’t make sense to Kyungsoo.

“I really really want to style your hair up. A smidge of eye shadow wouldn’t kill you either.” said Baekhyun.

“No.” said Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun started to whine. His eyes widened and his lip jutted out.

“Uh Chanyeol, what is Baekhyun doing?”

“He’s pouting.” Chanyeol laughed.

Baekhyun scoffed.

“It works on him.” Baekhyun said gesturing to Chanyeol.

“Yeah well, Kyungsoo has no soul, so.” said Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo smiled, but still threw a pillow at Chanyeol.


The talent show was being held in one of the art center auditoriums. It was one of the more intimate ones, but it could still hold quite a few people.

Kyungsoo stood backstage, feeling nervous. Baekhyun was on stage singing an upbeat and ambitious song. It was really good. Kyungsoo would pay more attention if he wasn’t feeling so sick and hadn’t heard Baekhyun sing this song over and over.

Kyungsoo closed his eyes and tried to breathe slowly. Only one more act was on after Baekhyun and then it was his turn.

“Hey.” a warm voice greeted.

Kyungsoo opened his eyes. He couldn’t tell who the man in front of him was in the darkness of backstage.

“Hi.” Kyungsoo squeaked.

“Are you nervous?” the man said.

Kyungsoo didn’t know why he continued to talk to this stranger, but he did.


The man smiled.

“It’s okay. There aren’t even 200 people here.” he said, “If it helps, you could just close your eyes. Singers look deep when they close their eyes. And that way, you could pretend you were alone.”

“Jongin, let’s go.”

Another boy with silver hair drug the nice boy out on to stage. Kyungsoo’s eyes followed him into the light, but he didn’t really recognize him until that powerful music started to play.

Kyungsoo’s knees trembled. He had just been talking to that boy. The one from the dance studio. He looked really good under the stage lights, in his torn performance clothes. His hair had been styled up and a little smudge of eyeshadow lined his eyes. Maybe Kyungsoo should have let Baekhyun do that to him because this boy, Jongin, looked good.


Kyungsoo smiled as he thought the name.

He decided that it was better to not watch the dancer’s performance because his movements did weird things to Kyungsoo. He didn’t think he could sing after seeing the look in Jongin’s eyes. It was strange to think that the sweet Jongin that had reassured him was the same Jongin out dancing on the stage.

Luckily, the dancers all exited the opposite side of the stage.

Kyungsoo slowly made his way to the stage.The lights dimmed for his ballad and the beginning piano notes sounded.

Kyungsoo closed his eyes and sang the words he knew by heart. He tried to put his own emotion behind them and let himself get into the music. Closing his eyes really did help.

Half way through, Kyungsoo opened his eyes and looked at the sea of faces. No one was barfing or booing, so he continued.

At the end, the crowd cheered and applauded. Kyungsoo smiled because it seemed that the audience had enjoyed his song. He turned to exit and saw Jongin staring back at him. Jongin’s face looked like he had just seen an angel, which Kyungsoo surely was not.

Jongin dashed away and Kyungsoo left the stage. He was soon enveloped by Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


Jongin felt the electric energy as he waited backstage. The energetic song being sung on stage helped pump him up as he waited with his friends. Jongin decided to walk over to the curtain to see the singer. He noticed someone else standing there, looking very nervous.

The boy was rocking back and forth and his arms were wrapped around himself. Since he was alone, Jongin assumed he was a singer.

The boy had straight dark hair and large eyes. His lips looked plush and soft, the bottom one was currently being abused by his white teeth. Overall, Jongin felt the need to help him.

“Hey.” he said.

“Hi.” said the boy.

Jongin had to refrain from openly fawning over the cuteness.

“Are you nervous?”


Jongin gave his best advice, really hoping that it would help the boy. Soon, Sehun came and pushed him out on stage.

The dance went great. It could have gone better, if he hadn’t been distracted by a certain someone. No one would probably notice Jongin’s lapse in concentration except Jongin.

When the dance finished, Jongin stayed by the curtain to watch the singer he had talked to. He looked so small, both his hands clutching the microphone.

Some piano notes played and the boy took a deep breathe. Jongin smiled as he saw the boy’s eyes close, just like he had suggested.

That smile was knocked right off his face as the boy began to sing. His voice was deep and soothe. Jongin got goosebumps when he aced a high note and his nose wrinkled a little as he got into the song. He face was so beautiful under the dim blue lights. The boy soon opened his eyes and Jongin felt overwhelmed all over again.

He had only intended to watch some of the performance, but he was stuck right where he was until the final somber note.

The singer finished with a smile and turned to catch Jongin watching. Jongin ran behind the curtain, heart pounding.


The ending of the talent show was really anti-climatic because they announced that they would mail the results out to the contestants. Kyungsoo still felt happy. His performance had gone great and now he knew a little more about Jongin.

Kyungsoo tried to search the mob of performers for Jongin or that silver haired boy who had pulled him on to stage. Neither were anywhere to be seen.

Baekhyun was scurrying around with excitement.

“You were really good Soo! I wish I had known you were that good. We should do a duet sometime.” he said.

“Wanna get something to eat?” said Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo’s eyes stopping roaming as he have gave up on his search.

“Yeah.” he said, “Let’s go.”

As the friends walked to a local restaurant Kyungsoo thought about Jongin. Why did he have this kind of reaction towards the boy? It had to be something to do with his talent or how nice he was. The flurries in his stomach were confusing and he couldn’t recall a time where he felt like this before. Kyungsoo doesn’t have much time to think about relationships, but he knew he wasn’t gay. He wasn’t. He didn’t have a problem with gay people, his only two friends were dating.

Kyungsoo sighs, images of Jongin circulating his head.


The whole house was dark when Kyungsoo returned. He knocked on the door and waited for the butler to open it. A disgruntled Onew pulled the door open.

“Hyung?” Kyungsoo said.


Onew turned away.

“We should talk, Soo.”

Kyungsoo followed his brother into one of the smaller sitting rooms and plopped onto a sofa. He stared as his brother fiddled with his fingers. An unsure Onew was a very strange sight. Kyungsoo felt uncomfortable.

“I’m going to be studying some more.” Onew said, “In America.”

“America?” said Kyungsoo.

Onew was leaving? A moment of shock passed through Kyungsoo. Onew was the only family he had. He had played mother, father, and brother for as long as he could remember. The one who wiped away his tears when he fell, the one celebrated his birthday over a bright cake.

“Mother and father think it would be beneficial for me.”

“You mean beneficial for their brand.”

Kyungsoo glared. The people who had given him nothing were now taking something important.

“How long?” Kyungsoo said.

“A year. Then we will go from there.” said Onew.

Kyungsoo knows what ‘we will go from there’ meant. It meant that his parents were in control and would do whatever benefited their business more. If Onew hated America, he would have no choice but to stay. Kyungsoo felt some guilt bubbling under his anger. His parents almost never played with his life like they did with Onew’s. He wanted to take some of his brother’s burden.

“It won’t be so bad, Soo. We can text and call each other every day.” Onew said, “Plus, you’re twenty. You’re an adult.”

Onew was always so practical. Deep down Kyungsoo knew that he was right. It’s not like Kyungsoo would be alone, he had friends now.

“When do you leave?”


Kyungsoo’s face must have looked surprised because Onew rushed to explain himself.

“The plans only recently became solidified. I was going to tell you the night you stayed at the townhouse, but decided against it.”

Kyungsoo sighed. Soon it would be just him living in this cold house. The dust would be swept away, keeping the illusion of life alive.

“Do you want to watch a movie with me?” said Onew.

Kyungsoo agreed and soon the two brothers sat beside each other to watch the comedy. Both let the laughter flow easily, wanting their most recent memory to be a happy one. Kyungsoo fell asleep near the end, his head falling onto Onew’s shoulder.


Kyungsoo awoke in his bed with his temples pounding. He slowly grumbled to the bathroom for some water. He soon heard Onew’s calls from the first floor.

Onew laughed at his brother’s bed hair.

“I have to leave now, Soo. You are going to be fine here.” Onew smiled.

Kyungsoo looked at his hyung and hugged him. He felt the urge to start questioning Onew about Jongin, but put that desire away.

“I’ll miss you, hyung.”

“Just hang out with your friends.” said Onew, “Wait until finals start. You’ll barely be able to think about anything at all.”

Kyungsoo rode with Onew in the limo to the airport. The ride was bittersweet, the duo talked about Kyungsoo’s future plans. Kyungsoo thought it was Onew’s way of ignoring his own plans for the moment. He gladly talked his brother’s ear off about classes and even the talent contest, anything to distract him.


Jongin had been taking the long way to his dance classes because the long way entrailed walking past the vocal centers. His hope was to see the raven haired boy. He learned that his name was Do Kyungsoo from the talent show’s program. He was riding on the hope that Kyungsoo was a vocal or music major. So far, he had had no luck.

“He strikes again.” said Sehun.

“Who?” questioned Luhan.

“Grumpy Jongin.” said Jongdae.

Jongin grumbled at the trio. It had been a week since the talent show and he was losing hope. It was like Kyungsoo did not exist.

“Oh! I know what cheer you up.” said Luhan.

“I have to register for next semester’s classes.”

Jongin waited for the part that would supposedly cheer him up.

“And?” he said.

“You should come with me!” Luhan said.

“I’ll come.” offered Sehun.

“Jongin needs to clear his mind.” said Luhan.

“So you’re taking him to the stuffy registrar?” said Jongdae.

“Just come with me.” Luhan pulled Jongin along.

The walk was filled with Luhan’s ranting. Apparently, Luhan had to take some economics class in order to graduate. Their college required a few classes that did not apply to your major. Luhan has been procrastinating, hoping they would change their minds.

“I think we have to go to the social sciences department.”

Luhan made a hesitant left turn. Jongin followed, his head looking down as he kicked at pebbles and scuffed his shoes.

“Hey, Baekhyun!” a voice yelled.

Jongin perked up, recognising the voice. He looked around until his eyes landed on Kyungsoo. It was Kyungsoo. He was chasing another boy carrying two backpacks.

Jongin stopped in his tracks. Kyungsoo would soon be out of sight. With no regard of the baffled Luhan, Jongin took off after the two boys. Kyungsoo caught the other boy no too much farther. The two stopped to catch their breath as Jongin rounded the last corner.

There was no hiding the fact that he had just been running after them. Jongin felt his cheek redden and looked for away. Kyungsoo and his friend both looked at Jongin and he just wanted to disappear.

Finally, Jongin tried speech.

“Hey Kyungsoo.” he huffed.

“Hey.” Kyungsoo said.

The only thing that kept Jongin from running was Kyungsoo’s amused smile.

“ I was just um, I just saw you. I’ve been looking for you, but not like creepily just casually. Yeah, casually.”

The other boy broke out in laughter. Kyungsoo quickly hit him.

“It’s okay.” said Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo’s own cheeks began to pinken and Jongin felt a little better.

“I’m Baekhyun.” said the other boy.

Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun sternly.

“And I guess I’m leaving.” Baekhyun said.

“Well.” Jongin coughed, “You wanna get some ice cream?”

“Yes.” said Kyungsoo, smiling.


Jongin took Kyungsoo to the little ice cream parlor across from the duck pond. He ordered chocolate and Kyungsoo got mint. The two took their cones over to one of the pond benches.

They both exchanged small talk over their sweet cones. Kyungsoo was older. Their birthdays were eerily close. Jongin liked dogs, he was a dancer, and he was afraid of heights. Kyungsoo was more of a bird person, he sang, and was afraid of shots.

The simple small talk soon developed into storytelling. Jongin stumbled on to the story of seeing a crazy boy chase some ducks here. Kyungsoo’s face lit up causing Jongin to pause.

“That was Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo chuckled.

“Me, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun were all here that day. “

“I guess we are destiny then.” said Jongin.

The seriousness of what Jongin just said came flooding over him. Stupid Jongin, stupid. He hadn’t even asked if this was a date.

“I’m sorry. That was, crazy and really deep.” Jongin stumbled.

Kyungsoo didn’t say anything. His face held a slight smile as he looked at Jongin and the chocolate smeared on his cheek.

The sun was setting soon. The dusky light made Kyungsoo look even more pretty than usual, if possible. Jongin scoffed at himself for calling the older pretty.

“I guess I should get going.” said Kyungsoo.

If Kyungsoo hadn’t spoke, who knows how long Jongin would have been stuck in his trance.

“Yeah, it’s getting late.” Jongin said.

The two stood up and Jongin gathered his courage.

“Would like to hang out again?” he said.

Kyungsoo smiled.

“I would Jongin.”

They exchanged numbers before going separate ways.


“Kyungsoo’s got a boyfriend!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

“No, I don’t. I’m not even gay.” Kyungsoo retorted.

“You have expressed zero interest in any girls.” said Baekhyun.

“He has expressed zero interest in anyone Baekhyun.” Chanyeol said.

“Well, this kid has gotten his attention.”

Baekhyun winked and prodded Kyungsoo’s cheek.

“Do you like hanging out with him?” said Chanyeol.

“Yeah.” Kyungsoo reminisced about how Jongin’s cool exterior was quickly shattered as he chased him through the streets and managed to get ice cream in his hair. The Jongin he saw on stage made him feel dizzy and the Jongin that stumbled over his words warmed his heart.

“Well, I’d say to do what makes you happy. No need to put any labels on it.” Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun gaped and looked as if he was going to protest before Chanyeol grabbed his hand.

Kyungsoo felt reassured by Chanyeol’s suggestion. Why do two people have to label themselves and the time they spend together? Let’s just be.


Sehun sighed as Jongin fawned over his memories.

“He’s so cute and quiet, but he also hits people.” Jongin ranted.

“Okay, okay. I’ve hit my max capacity to listen to your love ramblings.” said Sehun.

“Wait! I’m just getting to the point.”

Jongin pouted.


Sehun rolled his eyes, but settled down to listen to his friend nonetheless.

“I just asked if he wanted to hang out. I didn’t say anything about dating. I don’t know if…” Jongin trailed off.

“You don’t know if he knows that you’re gay?” Sehun finished.


Jongin let out a dejected sigh.

“Just tell him. Straight forward, no crap.”

“You’re one to talk.” said Jongin.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sehun said.

“You have liked Luhan since forever and you won’t tell him.”

“Hey, I thought we were talking about your problems, not mine. I’ll kick you out of my room.”

“This is my room too, Sehun.” Jongin said.

Both boys looked at each other and laughed. They continued playing their video games in silence, minus minor swears and shouts of joy, both thinking about their problems.


Kyungsoo noticed Jongin coming out of his shell the more they hung out. Jongin’s hand would brush past his as they studied in the library or he would make a sassy remark with a smirk. Kyungsoo preferred shy baby Jongin to this new bold Jongin. Sometimes the looks he gave him when he Kyungsoo couldn’t see him or the way Jongin sometimes whispered things in his ear would make his heart flutter. That was no good.

He was pretty sure that Jongin liked him in a more than just a friends kind of way. Kyungsoo had no idea how to deal with this situation. He could ask his friends, but then he’d have to ask himself if he liked Jongin. Those two would never let it go either.

All of this went through Kyungsoo’s head as him and Jongin left the theater where they had just watched a mindless comedy. He had spent most of the movie watching the lights change on Jongin’s face. He had smiled when Jongin laughed, not because of the film, but because of Jongin’s own smile.

“That was actually funnier than I thought it would be.” Jongin smiled.

“It was.” said Kyungsoo.

“You want to get something to eat?” Jongin said, “Wait, you’ve got that giant paper due tomorrow morning. How about I just bring you something?”

Kyungsoo scoffed, he couldn’t help it. Here was this sweet person remembering tiny details of his life, offering to bring him food and Kyungsoo had no idea what he was doing with him. Kyungsoo didn’t deserve Jongin, as a friend or any status. He wanted to shout at the naive face in front of him.

Jongin’s face became puzzled at Kyungsoo’s reaction.


Jongin’s voice was wavering with concern. Kyungsoo couldn’t take it.

“You shouldn’t be around me, Jongin.”

Jongin’s face almost made Kyungsoo regret his words. He looked someone had stolen his puppy right from his hands.

“I know that I’m a lot to handle, I’m clingy and I’m invading your personal space. It’s just that-” Jongin gulped.

“That’s not what I mean.” said Kyungsoo.

“So,” Jongin paused.

“You don’t like me? You don’t want to be around me?”

“No, I like you Jongin really. I-I’m just not. It’s just.” Kyungsoo groaned.

Both boys spoke at the same time.

“You’re not gay.”

“You’re too good for me.”

Jongin and Kyungsoo took in the words. Jongin had confirmed that he liked Kyungsoo romantically and Kyungsoo had just confused Jongin.

“I’m too good for you?” Jongin said.

“You are not su-” Kyungsoo was cut off by Jongin.

“That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard you say. If anything it should be the other way around. You’re the one with the pretty doe eyes and the soft voice. Just hearing your voice say my name feels like a blessing. Now you have the audacity to say I don’t deserve you? I’m not sure what your reasons could be for this, I’m honestly clueless. All I know is that no one is perfect, but you are my kind of perfect. This is probably too much, but I have to say it now or I’ll burst. You have to know that you make me happy and I’m going to cling to anything that makes me happy to be alive.”

Kyungsoo blinked slowly. Jongin remained firm, gaze not faltering.

“Your turn.” Jongin said.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Jongin seemed unhappy with this answer as he fidgeted on the sidewalk.

“Do you like me?”

Kyungsoo looked down to the ground. He didn’t know he was crying until he lifted his head and felt a tear slip down his cheek.

“No, Kyungsoo.” Jongin whispered coarsely.

“Please, I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”

Jongin looked helpless. Some people on the sidewalk began shooting nasty looks at Jongin.

“No one has ever cared before.” Kyungsoo manages to say.

“Oh.” said Jongin.

Kyungsoo’s tears continue along with his light sniffles. The air is really cold and Jongin read once that crying in the cold makes you more likely to get ill.

“Let’s get out of the cold, hyung.”

Kyungsoo nodded and let Jongin guide him to the bus stop. Jongin ended up dropping off Kyungsoo at his townhouse and leaving for the night. It seemed like things needed to stew overnight.


Jongin didn’t see Kyungsoo the next day or the day after. After three days, Jongin saw Baekhyun.

“Baekhyun!” he said.

Baekhyun turned around, not recognizing the voice. Jongin jogged over to him.

“Oh, hey Jongin.” said Baekhyun.

“I was just wondering if…” Jongin trailed off because he didn’t know what to ask. What if Kyungsoo had avoiding him on purpose?

“You want to know where Kyungsoo is?” Baekhyun said.

Baekhyun smirked. Jongin nodded.

“He got sick a couple days ago. He could have gotten better a lot sooner if he would take his damn antibiotics.”

“He won’t take his medicine?” Jongin’s voice was full of concern.


“Thanks, Baekhyun.” said Jongin.

Baekhyun chuckled as Jongin ran away.


Jongin would have gone straight to Kyungsoo’s after hearing about his sickness if it weren’t for his dance class. He would be in huge trouble if he was absent.

Jongin couldn’t concentrate all rehearsal long.

“Sloppy work, Jongin. I expect more.” the instructor said.

Jongin’s mood further plummets as his teacher calls him out. He knows that he’s not doing his best, but he can’t help it.

After practice, Sehun makes his way over to ask what is bothering him. Jongin packs up his bag and runs out of the studio before Sehun has the chance.


“Hyung! You won’t take your antibiotics?”

Jongin rushed into the room. It looked like he had just came from dance class, he wore loose gray sweatpants and a black tank top. His hair was in a frenzy that secretly appealed to Kyungsoo.

“Jongin, you’re going to freeze in that shirt.” Kyungsoo coughed.

“Yeah, well you’re going to kill me by not taking your medicine.” Jongin said.

Jongin picked the bottle up off the bed stand and read the bottle carefully.

“You only need to take two pills a day, Soo.”

Jongin’s eyes softened. Kyungsoo remained strong against the pout and shook his head with a cough. Jongin opened the bottle and took out a pill.

“What are you thinking Kim Jongin?” Kyungsoo threatened weakly.

Suddenly, Jongin stood up and straddled Kyungsoo on the bed. His mouth flew open with shock.


Jongin popped the pill into his open mouth and put his hand over Kyungsoo’s mouth.

“Swallow.” Jongin said firmly.

A deep blush flooded Kyungsoo’s cheeks. He needed Jongin off of him and he needed Jongin to stop touching him. Kyungsoo looked away so he wouldn’t see the serious look in Jongin’s eyes.

The pill’s coating began to dissolve and the bitter taste of the pill made Kyungsoo squeeze his eyes shut. Grudgingly, he swallowed the pill.

“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Jongin said.

“It was disgusting!” Kyungsoo said.

Kyungsoo really needed Jongin to get up, but it didn’t appear that the younger had that in his plans.

“I can fix that.”

Jongin’s face slowly inched toward Kyungsoo’s. His heart beat a mile a minute. This close proximity to Jongin was going to kill him.

Jongin’s plush lips met his own in a chaste kiss.

Soon, Jongin seemed to realize what he was doing and jumped back like a cat in water. All the boldness and confidence fizzled away into nervousness.

“Oh my gosh, hyung.”

Jongin stood beside the bed with wide eyes, hands shaking. He rushed out of the room leaving a frazzled Kyungsoo and his backpack.

Kyungsoo instantly regretted not grabbing his hand or calling to the fleeing boy. Fortunately, one of the side effects of sickness was drowsiness. He soon fell in a deep slumber filled with dreams of a certain pair of lips and tanned skin.


When Kyungsoo wakes up, it’s to Baekhyun and Chanyeol huddled around his bed. Chanyeol is holding some hot soup.

“Please tell me you didn’t try to make soup Park Chanyeol.” said Kyungsoo.

“Rude even in death.” remarked Baekhyun.

“No, I got this from a shop.” Chanyeol laughed.

“Did you have a little visitor, Soo?” Baekhyun said.

Kyungsoo could hear the sickly sweet tone he used and knew it had been Baekhyun who had alerted Jongin of his sickness.

“Before you yell at me, I’ll have you know that Jongin seeked me out and asked about you. It would have been rude to lie to him.” said Baekhyun.

“Since when have you cared about being rude?” Kyungsoo said.

His previous experience with Jongin and his fever had brought redness to his cheeks. His head ached terribly.

Suddenly his phone beeped.

Since his only two friends were here it could be one of two people. Jongin or Onew.

Kyungsoo decided to take that chance and look at the text.

Dang, it was Jongin. All the text said was, “take your medicine hyung”.

Kyungsoo reached over to his pills and did exactly as Jongin requested.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun watched in awe.

“He’s got you whipped, doesn’t he?” said Chanyeol.

“Yeah, he does.” Kyungsoo said with a sigh.


In the next days, Kyungsoo slowly recovered. He had asked Baekhyun or Chanyeol to find Jongin and bring him, but neither one could find him. Kyungsoo tried to text him, inviting him over. The only thing Jongin would respond to were inquires related to his health.

Finally, Kyungsoo felt good enough to leave the house. He bundled up in his thick coat, adding a scarf, hat, and mittens to make sure. Like a man with a mission, he made his way to Jongin’s dance studio.

It was currently 10AM, which is when Jongin had dance in studio B on Tuesdays.

Kyungsoo was definitely whipped.

He trudged through white snow and found himself in front of studio B. In a few moments, class would be over and Jongin would have to talk to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo crossed his arms and waited in front of the door.


“Nice work today class.” instructor said as she dismissed the class.

Jongin walked over to his bag to grab his towel. He began wiping sweat from his brow as Sehun came over. Jongin had told Sehun everything that had happened with Kyungsoo a few days ago.

“You gonna go see him?” Sehun said.



Jongin honestly missed Kyungsoo, but he didn’t want to cause him any discomfort. Their last meeting had been extremely strange.

Jongin chucked on his light hoodie and prepared to exit.

“Sehun!” Luhan called.

“Duty calls.” said Sehun, leaving Jongin.

Jongin chuckled at Sehun as he pushed the door opened.

There in the snow was the cutest sight he’s ever seen. Kyungsoo was piled up with warm clothes. His nose barely peeked out from a giant scarf, his bangs and eyes were almost hidden by his fuzzy hat, and his tiny hands had been engulfed by thick mittens.

“Jongin!” Kyungsoo called out.

Jongin was frozen in place so Kyungsoo walked over to him. His chunky mitten grabbed Jongin’s hand. Kyungsoo pulled him and Jongin followed. Jongin seemed to be a daze the whole time Kyungsoo directed his movements. They must looked like an interesting scene, a warmly dressed ball dragged a blank boy through the snow.

Kyungsoo ended his trip by a currently empty bus stop.

“You’re really dumb Kim Jongin.”

Jongin winced. Here it was, Kyungsoo was angry.

“You can’t keep wandering around in the middle of winter with proper clothes.” Kyungsoo said.

Kyungsoo tried to take off his coat, but Jongin stopped him.

“You’re sick, hyung.”

“Let’s share then.”

Kyungsoo pulled Jongin down on to the bench. He unzipped his coat and tried to pull Jongin into it. Kyungsoo pulled Jongin’s arms around him so that their chests were against each other.

They sat like that for awhile before Jongin spoke.

“Why are we at the bus stop,hyung?”

“I want to go home and I want you to come with me.”

Kyungsoo’s voice was still raspy from his illness and he spoke quietly in order to not further irritate his throat.

“I like you.”

Jongin pulled away to look at Kyungsoo.

“Really?” he said.


Kyungsoo smiled and slightly kissed Jongin’s cheek.

Jongin felt a little light headed by the time the bus arrived.


Jongin barely leaves Kyungsoo side for the next week. They cuddle on the couch and watch movies until Kyungsoo falls asleep. Jongin tried making soup once, but it ended in a big mess and not much soup. Jongin now goes to a shop to buy food for Kyungsoo.

Although Jongin is loving the cuddling sessions and the light peppers of kisses, he’s worried about Kyungsoo. His scratchy throat and runny nose has subsided, but he still has a fever and lots of headaches.

Jongin decides to take Kyungsoo to the doctor for a check-up. When he tells the older this, Kyungsoo looks like he is going to cry.

“What’s wrong, Kyungie?” said Jongin.

“I hate hospitals. A lot.”

Jongin’s heart breaks at the sight of Kyungsoo’s puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

“I’ll hold your hand the whole time, I promise.”

This statement seems to calm Kyungsoo.

“How did you get the antibiotics?” said Jongin.

“Chanyeol pretended to be sick.” Kyungsoo said.

They shared a chuckle as Jongin wrapped Kyungsoo up in his winter clothes.


The hospital always made Kyungsoo feel meek. He felt dread around doctors. They were helping people and maintaining good health for millions, but still Kyungsoo felt vulnerable and in danger.

The sterile smell of cleaner went straight to his head, dizzying his senses. Sitting on the examination table while waiting for the doctor was the equivalent of waiting for the guillotine to drop.

As Kyungsoo tried to distract himself with the jungle animals printed on the walls, he was reminded of another reason he hated hospitals. Everything was so small. Small corridors that led to small rooms that had closed doors.

Jongin took his hand and squeezed it for reassurance.

“It’ll be okay, hyung.”

Kyungsoo tried to manage a smile, but it turned into more of a grimace.

An elderly man opened the door with a well practiced smile and white coat.

“Hello Kyungsoo.” the doctor said as he glanced at his clipboard of scattered papers.

It looked as though he had a whole record of Kyungsoo’s entire life with how many papers scattered the board.

“It’s been awhile since the last check-up hasn’t it?” he mumbles to himself over the past details of Kyungsoo’s health.

“Everything looked to be in order last time. What brings you here today?”

Here it comes. The launching of questions.

Kyungsoo isn’t sure how old he was the last time he came here, but he does remember his brother always answering most of the questions for him. His parents never had time to bring him in to get his check-ups, so Onew did it. This time, it’s Jongin who talks to the doctor.

Kyungsoo is slightly embarrassed as he is a college student huddled on the noisy sterile paper like a frightened child, hiding behind his boyfriend’s explanations. His thankfulness for being able to stay quiet by far outweighs his embarrassment.

Kyungsoo notices the expectant eyes of the doctor and worried eyes of Jongin looking at him.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Kyungsoo may not like the doctor, but he was not above being polite.

The doctor chuckled as a way to ease Kyungsoo although the raspy sounds ran down Kyungsoo’s spine.

“You have been having frequent headaches, yes?”

Kyungsoo is locked in a corner. The blinding lights demand answers.


“You’ve been experiencing a fever as well?”

Kyungsoo nodded. He can hardly think. A loud buzzing begins in his left ear and soon takes over in his right. He can see the doctor’s lips moving again, but he can’t hear him. He feels faint as the room begins to spin. Kyungsoo feels like he’s been put into a cotton candy maker.

Jongin stands up and tries to talk to Kyungsoo. It’s the last thing he sees before he passes out.

Part 2

category: i, round 1: 2016

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