May 02, 2005 19:53
"...everything's gonna be fine, fine, fine." --Alanis Morissette
I realize I've been thinking a lot about the future lately, and I really love the thought of it. The present's pretty good, too. I used to freak out about how one day, I'll be gone forever and I won't even know that I ever existed--I'm going back to where I came from. I know it sounds morbid, but I was thinking about the concept of my impending fate last night, and I was actually okay. I have the overwhelming desire to live and experience things, and I understand that someday (hopefully much closer to the age of 115 than to the age of 15), I will be a happy old woman, and even in the knowledge of the doom that awaits me I will be alright.
I love the fact that I never know what's coming next. There are days, of course, when I wish that I had a road-map to my life, but I am so excited about all of the places i'll go and the people I'll meet and so on and so forth. Even things that are a complete drag are somehow adventures.
Here I go again, writing like a children's book author. Oh, well, children's book authors are pretty awesome, so I'm okay with that. Yes. Good. V. happy indeed!!!!!!!
Speaking of v. g. things, I watched "Bridget Jones's Diary 2: The Edge Of Reason" last night w/my mom and sister. It was great! See it! Read the book! Who gives a damn in what order--no one, that's who. Except for maybe librarians, but I won't tell them anything. <3, Izzy;)
P.S. Dentist appointment today wasn't too bad afterall: very little nagging about retainers and flossing and so on, a very nice young Russian female hygenist who could pull off ice blue eyeliner better than most people. I got x-rays, though, and they're sending me to an oral surgeon for a wisdom-tooth related consultation, but that's basically inevitable anyway.