Aug 23, 2004 16:41
props to the most bullshit weekend ive ever had. nothing but drama tension and abandonement. chris told us to fuck off, i would've too if i was left at someone's house for an hour after having driven about that to come and practice. i dont even fucking care either, because he never cared, he was always just doing us a "favor." im sick to death of people's favors. not only that, but the drummer that was supposed to come jam with us the following day cancelled out. so i guess that's that. its a sad day when you cant find one person in the whole state who completes the trinity that's supposed to help propel you into a life of success. but if there's one thing life has taught me, its that you cant depend on anyone. so why try?
i dont even know...oh wait, its because i suck at all other avenues in life. what then if not music? who even cares?
song of the day? "Fell on Black Days," because i sure wouldnt mind a fucking change. i think that song sums up this whole fucking year up to this point. and my attitude along with.
finally got my birth certificate, gave it to convergys today. thrilled to death about another dead end job. the weather is nice today...breezy, cool and slightly humid. it was a nice day for a walk.
im tired of bitching. fuck you...heh last one i swear.