Dec 24, 2005 22:02
So I am here in Alabama for the holidays. Many times I wonder if me or my family will survive the constant verbal fury that takes place here. But I must say that Alabama is a lot nicer then Detroit. First off the worst they have here are a bunch of redneck wannabe gangsters. And of course the occasional Nazi parties taking place in some wreck room under a church. But the most appealing thing is the cost of living.
So Nick gets to wondering, what is left for him in Michigan. I have been here for three days and even despite my sisters asinine questions and my little brothers obnoxious obvious observations such as “MAN THAT TREE IS GREEN!!” and lets not forget “IM THIRTEEN, THAT MAKES ME A TEENAGER!!!” I have felt at peace here. Up north there are so many things to worry about. I never go to sleep thinking about happy things. Even though I have been becoming that better person there is still this and that. Things that pull me back into the sarcastic asshole everyone knows as Nick Zopfi. (However I don’t know how moving into a state where everyone speaks in redneck draws will help that. )
I am not sure what to do in this case. But I can tell you one thing, thoughts from my friends will help a lot.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and hopes that you never have to take a bus to anywhere. I wouldn’t wish it on my greatest enemy. But I would on Raven.