Mar 19, 2009 11:07
Kelly shocks me everytime I see her. Yesterday I took her out after being in her stall for over a week and let her go run around in the big arena whilest I chat with the ladies and get her snacks. Not only when I got back did she standed quietly to have her feet cleaned she pretty much stood even after the other horses got fed. This is the same horse that wasn't interested in standing still if it was feeding time and often would have to get a good smack if she acted up.
WTF happened? Who is this pod horse? No seriously, I am glad she seemed to have finally setttled down into an adult horse mindset-it should make training her easier. Next week, we go back to the circingle with riding on the weekend. I want her in shape and ready to go for Norco's Horse week. I can also start up with Lisa again aiming for maybe a late Fall Dressage show. Can you imagine my Kelly doing beginner Dressage?!? Who would have thought an ordinary amish born farm horse would reach this high. She's an even better Western mount being so quiet. Once she back in some kind of shape, both of us learn a few tricks of opening gates and walks on the streets better, we could try for riding up the arena alone when people are there.
horseback riding,