Jan 19, 2009 11:09
I have been thinking a lot about having goats (dwarf Nigerians, 1 milking female one wether (cut) male). Mostly it is due to wanting to have not just the milk but making cheese and goat milk soap is the best for cleaning "down there" (outside not in!). Other than they eat just about anything, are browsers and small enough for even the Derves family (pathtofreedom.com), I can't figure out what else to do with them. Perhaps that is enough? I think though I might be more turned off by the daily milking deal. Seven days a week for almost 300 days that goat needs to be milked. Granted I think I would let her dry up in the fall and return to soymilk until the birth of babies. The other turn off is what to do with the babies? How to get her to a Buck for mating? Registered or non-registered? Mom is not going to be drinking all that milk granted I do have a taker for the milk in Janet, a lady from the stables. Transporting it to her every other day or so would be an sort of bothersome but maybe not. Now that I am 15 more miles away from Norco, I'd have to get it to her on specific days. What if it taste icky even though I do everything right?? Sigh, anyway, goats are on the fence line even though the benefits kind of sort of balance out the negatives.
Computers. I need a new system period. My own computer by far is so nice because it fits like an old shoe but like an old shoe, it needs to be replaced after 5+ years of service. There are times it just can't handle a whole lot going on and that is just me putting up a ton of windows bouncing from one screen to another. The other thing I might end up doing is moving it further away from this side wall so it can get more air. This is for the new system of course as the old one is doing just fine. I have researched a few things, even picked out a case but apparently I can't do it this way. I must start with specific process to make sure I have all the right parts and a workable system that will take....I guess windows Vista. I am not at all impressed by Vista to be quite honest. It seems to have some bug issues that have not been resolved and I do not need the system telling me every five seconds do I want to do this thing or that for security protection. That is why I have Internet security software (which is another issue in and of itself-DON'T ASK ME!). Mostly I am looking at a machine that can handled the ever explanding internet, old and out of this world games, play movies with quality of a small home system, protect my data and be upgradeable as time goes on. Is that a lot to ask?
Lastly, the garden issue. I have a lot on my plate there-no shit huh? While my head is spinning with ideas, the reality is I am probably not going to get to gether thing as I would like too. I did get that gardener's journal but even that is almost too much. Ok not really but its pushing it. Mom is no spring chicken and I have to be careful as to not burn myself out too much on what I want vs. what is fesible. Do I really need a three of everything regarding fruit shrubs? Do I really need to plant all these native shrubs this year or can it wait until the ground is better suit for it (like next year)? What am I or Mom for that matter really going to eat? What if the ground is too bad for plants like blueberries, can I handle the extra time it takes to grow them in pots? What about my own hive-do I need a real hive for honey or will Mason bees do the trick? What if I over prune and we don't get as much fruit? Is it a good idea to put down green manure crops over a septic tank as long as the roots are thin? So many questions still but I feel overwhelmed just thinking about how much I have to do and am not physically able to do right now because of my ankle still too swollen for prolonged standing. I think that along with using hay, we are going to have to have better walkways around here for both Mom and myself.
Anyway, sometimes I do wish I knew more people, had a garden friendly partner or just had better connections with my neighbors so I could get a bit of help or brainstorming.
computer issues,
chicken coop,
do-it-yourself project,
medical stuff