why 95% of my favorite actors are british (x-post from ONTD)

Aug 31, 2008 14:29

I personally do not think it is all about the macho factor but that a lot of these overseas actors have some seriously raw talent. I can think of 10 good british actors who disappeared into their roles while only 4 or 5 american actors (living) come to my mind. If I remember my info correctly many british actors have a bit of double training on their side. Several of the older actors have done both theatre (big and small) along with some classical training.

I don't know if this makes a difference but when I see many brit actors showing their craft, I don't see the same person. But someone like say Tom Cruise BCS(before crazy scienetology) has that "same face every movie" style I see in a lot of american actors. It just gets boring after a while. I guess that while british folks would argue with me, I'd have to say like they would to me, "I am not impressed with the local and the outside action is way better in my opinion."

Plus the sexy accents have always been a drug for me since the 1980's during my Duran Duran days. And Benny Hill along with Monty Python's Flying Circus on PBS.

Edit to add some great Michael Caine quotes (love the man, he's had a brilliantly long career) Source from us.imdb.com:

The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years.

First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.

The difference between a movie star and a movie actor is this--a movie star will say, "How can I change the script to suit me?" and a movie actor will say. "How can I change me to suit the script?"
^^^ Totally fucking nails it with this comment here. This to me is why most american actors just don't have IT.

british actors

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