That good ol' lightheaded feeling

Aug 31, 2008 12:31

For the past couple of weeks I have been experiencing some strange dizzy spells or lightheadedness. I'd be walking then everything would sort of start moving and I'd feel like I was going to fall.

A bit of net searching picks up either migranes, vertigo, sinus issues and the blood pressure beast. Since I still work out (but no cardio due to the ankle), eating 80% healthy, relaxing and trying not to get all stressed out I figure I know my answer. I quit taking my morning blood pressure medication because I got tired of going to the bathroom every hour. That was about a month ago so two weeks later I start having these weird dizzy spells. I still take my stronger stuff at night, every day. I guess taking one but not the other is throwing my blood pressure off scale with constant dips and rises. A large dip will cause the dizziness associated with HBP meds and the higher numbers will bring headaches. The only thing is I have not had a large amount of headaches. I haven't had any at all for a few weeks but I have had pressure in the head.

So when I go to the DR office next week for my ankle I will make sure they take my blood pressure and I guess I should look into going to that HBP clinic Kaiser offers now that I am back in Norco. :\ I hope he releases me to start doing cardio again. I really miss giving my heart a solid work out!

And yes I did take my morning medication so any minute now I'll be flying to the bathroom.

sick, medical stuff

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