
Feb 15, 2009 16:38

Title: Broken
Pairing: KoyaShige with the briefest mentions of Shige x girl
Genre: Angst at first and then it gets sappy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Because everyone knows that Johnny is secretly a female American teenager…
Summary: Koyama is alone on Valentine's Day
A/N: A little late for Valentine's Day, but my beta wasn't feeling well. Get well soon, Massu-chan! 

 I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

~ Broken by Seether

Koyama Keiichiro and Kato Shigeaki always spent Valentine’s Day together. Neither of them remembers when it became tradition. It just always had been.  The first Valentine’s Day after they met, neither boy had a date, so they commiserated together at Koyama’s house. Somehow, they remained dateless every Valentine’s Day ever since. Except this year. This year Shige had a date. One of his kouhai from school asked him, and he agreed.

So Koyama was all alone with food and the films and the sake he prepared. For Shige, he prepared them for Shige. Shige and him. Him and Shige. Shige. When it came to Koyama, it was always about Shige. Shige this, Shige that, Shige told me, I told Shige… The only reason he looked forward to being single on Valentine’s Day was that he knew he’d spend it with Shige. Shige, Shige, Shige. Always Shige. But of course, it was always Shige. Koyama loved him. Yamapi knew that, so did Ryo, and Massu, and Tegoshi, and Uchi, and Notti, and Jin, and Kame, and, well, everyone. Everyone, except Shige, that is. Always, always Shige.

Ignoring whatever DVD was playing, Koyama was ¾ through the bottle of sake and still going strong, when there was a knock on his door. He carefully got up and meandered toward it. Opening the door, he revealed, much to his surprise, Shige.

“You’re supposed to be on a date,” he slurred.

“You’re drunk,” Shige replied, eyes going wide.

“Am not,” he stepped aside, allowing Shige to enter.

“Yes you are. There’s a nearly empty-”

“You’re supposed to be on a date.”

“It didn’t work out.”

“Oh? Did she not like you? ‘Cause how anyone could hate the idol-”

“I didn’t like her.”

“You didn’t like her?”

“Halfway through, I realized I like someone else.”

“If that’s all, I don’t wanna hear it.”




“Get out of my house. I don’t wanna talk to you,” he placed his hands on Shige’s shoulder blades and began to push him drunkenly toward the door.

“Keii-chan? What?” Shige turned to face Koyama.

“Don’t you Keii-chan me! Haven’t I always been a good friend? Wasn’t I always there when you needed me? Why did you abandon me? Why? Why?” Shige cut his rant short by drawing him into a tight embrace.

“I’m sorry, Keii. I’m so sorry.”

“Let go of me you ungrateful-” Koyama tried to break free.

“No. I’m never letting go. Not again.” And with that, Shige gently kissed him on the lips.

Shocked, Koyama did not respond until Shige broke it off, “What? Why?”

“Because I am an idiot and hurt the person I loved the most.”

“You’re not an idiot.”

“But I am. I am. I love you Koyama Keiichiro and I was too stupid to notice until today.”

“You what???” Koyama gave him a surprised look.

“I love you, Keii, and I would gladly repeat it a thousand times for you to believe me.”

“How do you know that I’ll love you back,” Koyama whispered.

“Oh, that… Ryo told me.”

“He WHAT???? When? Why? I’m gonna kill him!!!!”

“Don’t,” Shige said and kissed him again. This time Koyama kissed back.

A few minutes later saw Shige polishing off the last of the sake, while Koyama slept, his head resting in Shige’s lap, alcohol finally taking affect. Tomorrow, they would tell everyone. Yes, tomorrow would bring the start of a brand new future for them. Koyama and him. Him and Koyama.


The End ♥

And for those still waiting for my multichap, honto ni gomen ne, I'll try to update soon.

koyashige, fanfic, news

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