Home again, home again, jiggity jog!

Aug 15, 2008 12:11

I'm sitting in the office at home with a kitty beside me and a kitty in front of me on the coffee table. Hard to believe the difference a week makes.

I wrapped up the season at Ohio Light last week and said my goodbyes. It was special getting to spend a summer with a house full of people I can honestly call friends, and even more special getting to work with them so closely.

I was saddest to see Yeomen and Oklahoma go. Our Yeomen was spectacular because most of us lived together and we really liked and loved one another, and that communicates on stage. Though my Oklahoma cast didn't live together, we also got to be good friends, and that show, too, felt incredibly tight. In both cases, I knew I could have done a LOT more performances without tiring of the show. I very much miss the people and the relationships.

Fred flew out to Ohio last Thursday to help me pack and to drive home. We left Sunday afternoon, stopping at Pete's Pizza in Chicago that evening. It truly is the best pizza I've ever eaten. MMMmmm. Chicago deep-dish pizza :-)

We overnighted in Jaynesville WI, and then Monday morning, continued on to the Wisconsin Dells, where we met my parents and aunts. We had a lovely day dining on German food in a sunny Biergarten underneath a Glockenspiel that told the story of Peter Piper. We walked around and looked at all the tourist gift shops. After a brief nap, we took the Lower Dells Boat Tour to get a sense of the geography of the area. We saw firsthand where Lake Delton had washed out in June.

Tuesday, we started with the Lost Canyon Tour, which was amazing and beautiful. It was a MUCH better tour than the lower Dells tour; our guide was better, we got closer to the pre-cambrian sandstone, and we were pulled by two gorgeous horses.

That afternoon, we went to The House On the Rock about an hour south of the Dells. It was... unique. I enjoyed the "music machines" the most, even though a few were RIDICULOUSLY out of tune.

Fred and I got home shortly after midnight.

Kitties are great. Dante is getting around just fine on 3 legs. He got his stitches out yesterday and doesn't need his Elizabethan collar anymore. The vet and all the assistants were so happy to see Dante yesterday and they thanked us for not giving up on him -- they had all grown very attached to him after the surgery!

Now, I've got two weeks to learn Fledermaus. I've slogging through dialogue the past few days, so hopefully it will be in long-term memory by the time rehearsals start.

I also got a gig with Fargo-Moorhead singing Masetto in Don Giovanni in late October/early November! I'm excited about that. I'm starting to get regional gigs -- this is a good thing :-)

cats, singing, olo, family, travel

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