I Can't Think of a Title

Jun 03, 2009 16:53

Edit, edit, edit!

I'm almost finished with my second draft. I can't believe I just wrote that sentence. Not only that, but it's been an entire month since I finished the first draft! It's such hard information to swallow. I can't wrap my head around it. Editing isn't difficult, but it does take focus. Not the kind of focus the actual writing takes, but with the amount of difficulty you lose while editing, you also lose the wonder and amazing feeling you get out of actually writing the original words. Don't get me wrong, I love fixing all the errors and tweaking things, but I miss the writing a lot. Hopefully this summer I will be able to start the sequel.

Ah, school is almost over! That means it will be almost a year since I started writing in my livejournal. That's kind of sad, considering my limited amount of entries. I'm having an end of the year party, so at least I get a little farewell to my friends. It's especially important since one of my friends is graduating this year! Oh, the bittersweetness of change. He's going off into the real world, to college.

Speaking of college, I am scared out of my mind about it. I'm a sophomore (yikes, soon to be a junior!) so I've been thinking about it a lot this year. The school I want to get into is impossible, though. It's not Ivy League or anything, but still. Maybe if I can publish my book before college comes around (in my dreams), they will be attracted to that. My grades are fine, unless you count that obnoxious little troublemaker by the name of Math. I mean, why should that even matter? Who cares how good I am at logarithms if I'm going to major in writing/English?

Agh, enough stressing over colleges. I'm trying to keep my focus on the present, but the fact that college is looming so close gets on my nerves. Hm, I suppose I could talk about summer.

This summer, I shall be taking my usual trips to my grandparents' homes, which means more reports from Alaska. I'll have to get a move on with my driver's ed and volunteer at the library for school credit, since I conveniently forgot to do community service during the year. My best friend from New York is coming to visit for two weeks, and she's staying with me! I'm so excited. Oh, and I'll get my AP test results back. It's something I'm not looking forward to.

Oh yes, the Harry Potter movie! There's something to look forward to! I'm going to try to convince my parents to let me go at midnight this time. I mean, it is summertime, so what's the problem? Sure, I'll be there till two in the morning, but come on! I'm almost an adult! *continues with incessant whining until the person reading this smacks her across the face*

Thanks, I needed that. Speaking of convincing, I'm going to try and persuade my principal to let me take AP English last year, despite the fact that they're only offering it to seniors. Maybe I could show him my book as an entrance essay. Hopefully that will be enough to prove my worth. Then again, chances are he won't let me take the class, which is a huge bummer. I can't suffer through another year of boring, unchallenging English class, I just can't!

Well, enough with my drama queen tendencies. I shall let you go. Of course, you could have stopped reading this whenever you wanted, but you get the picture.

school, college, writing, summer, editing, harry potter

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