The End of Summer Is Near

Aug 22, 2008 22:08

I am sorry to say that the end of the summer looms ever closer, as well as the day when I go to school for the first time as a sophomore in high school. Luckily I have at least one more adventure before going back to that dreaded prison (I'm taking Chemistry, AP Euro, and Algebra 2 this year. Doesn't that sound fun?!). I get to go to Alaska! My maternal grandparents live there, and I look forward to nothing but rainy days, fresh air, the odor of fish carcusses, and lush green vegetation. It will be nice to get away from this polluted city and off to a small town that's so different, plus I get a break from the awful hot weather in this place.

Alas, the shield of summer cannot protect me from the evil that is schoolwork! I was assigned math and reading to do over the summer, and like the procrastinator I am, I have barely done any of it. I did some of my math (which is algebra review, so it's fairly easy) and I read Oedipus the King (rather disturbing, if I do say so myself. Not only did he kill his own father, albeit unknowingly, and have children with his own mother, but he took the concept of emo to a whole new level by gouging out his own eyes.). I still have to read Farenheit 451 and some other book that I keep forgetting the name of.

Speaking of books, I finished Jane Eyre! It was such a lovely book--I can't say if I like it or Pride and Prejudice better. Ah, Jane is such a breath of fresh air after being exposed to Bella Swan. She's strong and, instead of succumbing to her desires and marrying Mr. Rochester, she chooses to keep her dignity, even if it means being homeless. Of course, Mr. Rochester is pretty miserable without her, and then his life gets even worse when Thornfield burns down, his hand is amputated, and he becomes completely blind. I felt so sorry for him, as did Jane. It was lovely to see she was moving on with her life, even if she did miss her dear Rochester. I read the last 150 pages in one setting just so I could get to their reunion, and boy was it worth it.

Oh, how many people were named John in that book? Three? There was John Reed, who bullied Jane and then later committed suicide, and John Eyre, Jane's rich uncle who leaves his money to her (she totally deserved that). As for St. John--my gosh, the guy would never shut up when he talked. At least when Mr. Rochester spoke in bulky paragraphs, he was interesting. Then I just hated his character, and the many times he proposed to Jane reminded me of the hilarious scene in Pride and Prejudice when Mr. Collins proposes to a less-than-enthusiastic Elizabeth. However, St. John's existance is the reason for the Mr. Rochester-getting-jealous scene, which I loved. Jane teasing him was priceless. I actually think I squealed when he regained the sight in one of his eyes and saw his firstborn.

I have set a goal for myself! I'm currently on chapter eight of my novel, page eighty-seven, and I calculated that if I write two pages every day for the rest of the summer, I will have finished chapter nine by the time school starts. How wonderful is that? Chapter nine is quite the milestone, although I can't really say why. Let's just say all the main characters have finally come together at that point.

I just realized that I haven't mentioned the Olympics yet on my journal. They've been wonderful to watch, especially the swimming and gymnastics. My sister is a gymnast, so Shawn Johnson has become her idol. I really like her--she has a lot of confidence and is always smiling. There is no way all of those Chinese girls met the gymnastics age limit (which I believe is sixteen). I think there's investigating it, actually, and if it turns out those girls really are thirteen or something, they'll be disqualified. That's good for the USA, but I kind of feel bad for them. I mean, they did cheat, but they also worked really hard for that gold medal.

Michael Phelps is amazing! I cannot believe how many gold medals he got! Good for him, he really deserves it. His mom looked like she was going to hit the ceiling with happiness. I just think he is so cool, and am I the only one who thinks he's kind of cute, especially when he smiles?

I've also had some excitement in the romance department, but I won't go into further detail. That his personal business, people.

*looks up* Wow, my life is a lot more interesting than I thought. I figured I would never have anything to talk about here on livejournal, but lookie here! I didn't even tell you everything that's happened since I last posted, and look how long this post already is.

On a closing note, this is the first time I've actually used my default icon in a post on my journal! Isn't that just amazing?

school, writing, alaska, jane eyre, summer, olympics

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