Dec 05, 2005 17:55
The German essay I mentioned yesterday didn't go too bad, but not very good either. The subjects didn't exactly fit me. But whatever... there's no reason to worry about something that's already done, right? There's tomorrow too with listening, reading and grammar-vocabulary tests. And the oral exams after Christmas.
I don't know if I've talked about this Diploma before, so I'll explain a little. Basically it means that if a pass the exams I will get a certificate and be able to study on a German university if I want to. It also shows that I have good knowledge of the German language. Like the Certificate of Advanced English exam that I'm taking next week will let me study in Englishspeeking countries. Why am I taking this exams, you may ask. Well, I want to keep my doors open, be able to study whereever I want... and it's nice to have something that shows that you have skills!
After the exam I went to about half of a Religion lesson where we watched a movie about Buddhism with Dalai Lama. Me and some others concluded that he sounded exactly like Yoda. Firstly the voice, the laughter and the broken English, but also the talk about not giving in to negative emotions and such. Either they modeled Yoda off of him, or it's just chance. Whichever it's fun.