Oh hi, I see you're still here.

Aug 08, 2012 15:29

So hi, I'm back from Finland!

Home was surprisingly warm. Lahti in particular was bordering on tropical but Helsinki was not far behind, temperature- or humidity-wise. Awesome little restaurants were duly sampled, sauna had and a wedding attended, and all in all the trip was a huge success! So without further ado, here's the first batch of photos. They're all sort of random though, apologies. :D

A tiny portable gas grill. I want one plz.

Sorry for the quality of the photo, it was rather dark.

This was what happened on my first full day in Finland: I visited a shop where the shop assistant made not-so-subtle jokes on my inability to read a wall-size price list. Then a group of random kids admired my phone at Kompassi where I was killing time (I know I know, I'm over 30 and still killing time at Kompassi) and when one thing lead to another they threatened to roll me. I was like norollingmeplz and legged it and anyway I was already expected elsewhere. Met up with folk and had Nepalese food and on my way home I got totally drenched by a tropical rain storm, all of which I may have mentioned in the previous post already so no more about that. :D


Also what is this that's happened to the central railway station? I want that little fountain too btw.

It's like it somehow got turned into a greenhouse.

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