because I'm crazy

Jan 11, 2010 00:13


...Epic for me at least. XD This post is really just to keep me from procrastinating too much nice and MOTIVATED! 8D (or something.)

Er, basically: school is starting up again. My break is pretty much over. But at this point there's so much I want to write, plus I really want to improve myself as a writer (after all, writing will be a big part of my job in the future, and getting published is still a dream of mine). Thing is, I just write whenever. Nothing wrong with that, but it means sometimes I write every day all week, and sometimes I don't write a word for months. I don't want to make it an obligation and force myself, but I want to dedicate myself to it a little more. Let's just say it's my New Year's resolution XD

So I'm challenging myself this spring: 5 months, 20+ fics. WILL I BE ABLE TO MAKE IT? *enter dramatic music*

1. Write and post fic at least 4x a month (once per week-ish). 2 of them DC chapters, the other 2 anything. Even though they'll have individual "deadlines", the real point is to get 4 a month.
2. If I can't finished all 4 pieces by the end of the month, write a drabble. Even if it's done in 5 min and is completely awful, it's still something.
3. Length and "order of release" aren't important.
4. Read Zinsser's On Writing Well by the end of the semester. Try to read it if I'm hit with writer's block. Read as many other books as I can.
5. Don't make this a chore. Give self rewards! ;D

**This list will change as I go - 1) it might not go in this order or be posted on these days, and 2) this is a list of what I plan on writing each week. If inspiration strikes (or doesn't), it will probably change.
**I'll update this as I go! If I finish one, I'll cross it out and add a link.

last edit: 3/17/10

1. Dreamcatcher ch.16 [FINISHED! Posted on 1/16/10]
2. Displacement Theory [FINISHED! Posted on 1/24/10]
3. Homecoming (My Girl fic) [FINISHED! Posted on 1/28/10]

1. Dreamcatcher ch.17 [FINISHED! Posted on 2/3/10]
2. if we obey the tides [FINISHED! Reposted on 3/15/10]
3. Normality [FINISHED! Reposted on 3/15/10]
4. The Echo Project, ch.1 [FINISHED! Won't be posted until after challenge]


1. ??? (Apr. 8th) [not started]
2. DC (Apr. 15th) [not started]
3. Aiba/Jun fic? (Apr. 23rd) [not started]
4. DC (end of the month) [not started]

1. ??? [not started]
2. ??? [not started]
3. ??? [not started]
4. ??? [not started]

1. ??? [not started]
2. ??? [not started]
3. ??? [not started]
4. Drabble prompts (end of month, end of challenge!) [not started]

To bring the challenge to an end, I want to take on prompts and write drabbles for whoever wants one! So if you want, just leave a comment here (don't pm me, please ^^) with a pairing and a prompt, and I'll write you a drabble. I don't know how many people will ask for one, so I can only guarantee something for the first 20 prompts, if I even get that many. But if you're late, please leave one anyway if you'd like to! It might end up becoming inspiration for a one-shot, and if possible I'm going to write drabbles for the prompts that didn't make it (they'll just be posted sometime later). Just as long as you give me one by April 30th ;D You can include a rating (up to R), genre, or be as detailed with the prompt as you want, as long as there's a prompt. You can do one-word prompts, or even picture prompts. Anything's fine!

*does the Dream Chance dance* OH YEAH! I'M DOING IT. Feel free to poke me or encourage me or call me crazy or leave me dorky inspirational links/pics/gifs/whatever! WE CAN MAKE IT TRUE~!


EDITS: NOW COMES WITH PARTNER IN CRIME. swan_song37 now has her own challenge going on, and we'll hopefully be giving each other critiques and hugs and helping each other out from now on, so go cheer her on, everybody! :D

sparklies ate my brain, !obaka challenge, writing, arashi for dream, fic

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