Murphy's Law

May 17, 2006 14:26

If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Okay, the day hasn't been *completely* Murphy-ified, but it's been one thing after another all morning.  I've run around frantically trying to fix everything, but half the time all I can do is stand there with my hands over my face going, "EEK! Stop!"

You know how if you have something big the next day and are afraid you'll sleep in, even though your alarm is set to the correct time, you wake up randomly during the night to make sure you haven't overslept?  Yeah.  5am sometime, then 6:28, then 6:58, then 7.  I only hit snooze once becuase I was afraid I'd get stuck in a time warp like yesterday morning and wake up an hour and a half late.

The ASL final was okay.  I thought it'd be easy, but it wasn't easy it was just okay.  Some stuff was easy, some I was like, "um, I think that's right...", and a few I made answers up for.  Seriously, me and 8am finals don't mix.  The teacher's up on her chair right in front of me (she'd watch me write my answers down, which is just creepy because I'd look up and she'd be there smiling or frowning at my paper), and I"m staring at her, and then suddenly she's done, and I'm like, "Crap, that was a number at the end, what was it?"  I think I got two numbers right, and guessed on two, and made one up competely.  Ugh.  Another section required drawing something based on her description of it.  My drawing-of-inanimate-object skills suck.  And I had nooo idea what the last object was, so I just drew something, and hoped it was sort of close and I'd get partial credit.  But at least it's done.

I went down to the animal room after that, since I was in the building.  Thought I'd be there an hour.  Two and a half hours later, I finally left.  The fish were all fine, and I fed them, and the cichlid went wild becuase it's kind of insane and likes food and does this little dance every time I open the food drawer.  Fed Ezi some crickets and she nearly ate her terrarium substrate in her enthusiasm.  The gerbils woke up briefly so I could check them over and feed them.  Shippo was very very sleepy and just laid on his back staring up at me with this, "What are you doing, disturbing me from my sleep like this?" look on his face.  I apologized for the early morningness, because I know how he felt.  It was only 9:30, I should still have been sleeping, or at least at my desk at work, half asleep.  Then I got to the aquatic frogs.  Fed Todd, and the bumpy-tummy male, and the female, and the tank of three males, and got to the last male who had looked rather sickly yesterday.  He is indeed sick.  He is swelled up twice his normal size.  Bloat.  Oh joy.  Off to the computer to research frog diseases and cures.  Then off to measure out water and aquarium salt and antibacterial meds and mix up a nice salt-water bath for him to hang out in.  Then the scrubbing of two of his old tanks (I changed it yesterday becuase there was literally crap all over the bottom), and the old lid, and rinsing off his plastic plants.  All while wearing gloves, becuase frog diseases?  Ick.  The frog disease research said that salt water can kill bacteria as well as promote stress coats in frogs (yay, we like stress coats!), so I mixed up a more concentrated version for the containers.  Three batches of it, really, one for his two old tanks and one to soak his plants in.  I hope it works and that I don't go in tomorrow to find a bloated belly up frog.  Bloated is bad enough.  That was taken care of, finally, so I washed some beakers and then filled up my 20 gallon water jug, spraying water all over me in the process.  Then I escaped before anything more could happen.

Bloated frog

My bloated male African Clawed Frog.

Sideview of bloated froggy.

What a normal male ACF should look like (minus the bumpy tummy).

Bonus pictures!

This is Todd. He's about an inch and a half long, and is a perfectly healthy African Dwarf Frog. He's adorable.

And this is my frog, Ezi. She's suctioned on to the side of her tank, near the heat lamp.

Lunch was okay.  Tried to see if Cyndy was in to ask about work, but she wasn't.  Came back here and hung out with Jenny and Ashley while they washed dishes.  Waiting for Jenny to finish at work so we can work on our project.  Got email from ethics TA saying to add in more about the philosophies of the feminists.  *sigh*  I thought I had lots of philosophy stuff in there.  You said it was good!  Argh.  It's fine, it's just one more thing to do tomorrow.

So today is:
-work on and finish presentation
-iron clothes so I can give Allison her ironing board back
-wash dishes?
-email Uncle Aric
-email Cyndy again
-email mom
-email MDS again?

animal room, homework, asl, school, frogs

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