Tide 004

Mar 03, 2010 04:54

Since I'm a priest, it's obvious that I'm a theist--a henotheist panentheist if you want to be ridiculously precise. However, I'm not wanting to lecture everyone. What religious systems do you all have where you come from? Do you adhere to them ( Read more... )

priestly business, lol religion, ridiculously sincere, saint television

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ttlynotawizard March 3 2010, 16:06:31 UTC
There's some folk religions where I'm from that I'm unfamiliar with save for holidays. I was raised with no religious belief and as of now hold none.

And yes the discs are in the library.

[locked//75% unhackable]

When you've got the time, I need to ask you something.


kaikou_tide March 4 2010, 01:13:11 UTC
Really? If you like television dramas, we should watch some together.

[Locked 15% Unhackable]

Of course. Whenever you like.


ttlynotawizard March 4 2010, 01:16:21 UTC
I'd like that. Maybe you can explain some of the medical stuff to me. I'm not all that familiar.

[locked 75% unhackable]

Stop by the bar later.


kaikou_tide March 6 2010, 03:45:15 UTC
Alright, I'll be over in a few.


ttlynotawizard March 6 2010, 03:51:54 UTC
[Remy realizes as he flicks off his comm that he completely missed the opportunity to hang out with Glaukir and watch movies while talking about his Carnival trip idea. He sighs a bit before going to find a good wine to share.]


kaikou_tide March 11 2010, 03:03:27 UTC
[Glaukir was trying to extend a hand of friendship and prove that nothing was awkward despite Remy's drunken almost-kiss at the party, but he doesn't feel rejected because of the immediate offer afterwards.

He pads in, still in bare feet, and smiles at Remy.]

So, what's up?


ttlynotawizard March 11 2010, 03:08:10 UTC
[Remy smiles and waves as Glaukir approaches the bar.]

I was finishing up here, thought I'd discuss an idea with you over a drink. I realized stupidly just now that we could do this while watching movies, but...

[he motions to the wine bottle he's holding in his hand.]

I've already got this out.

[He then looks over to the two mangoes he has sitting on the bar.]

And those. Would you mind cutting them up?


kaikou_tide March 11 2010, 03:10:14 UTC
We'll catch up another time then.

[He's relieved. He likes Remy, and Glaukir would gladly kill some time with the bartender.]

Red wine and mangoes?

[Glaukir takes one of the knives.]

Where I'm from, this is a popular dessert. I love it.

[He flashes a smile.]

Did the previous 'me' like this, too?


ttlynotawizard March 11 2010, 03:14:29 UTC
[Remy nods with a smile.]

You did. Introduced me to it, in fact. I had no idea what a mango was and you suggested eating them this way. I'm eternally grateful.

[He chuckles.]

Though I'm afraid I'm not as good at cutting them up as you are.

[Also there's the whole Remy not eating them often after Glaukir left. Too many memories attached.

He pours the two glasses of wine.]


kaikou_tide March 11 2010, 03:16:49 UTC
What can I say, no matter what flavour I come in, I have excellent taste in dinner company and dinner itself.

[Slice, slice, slice.]

Thank you. I cut the mangoes, so you choose which one you want. Prison rules.


ttlynotawizard March 11 2010, 03:23:44 UTC
It's true. The only thing I disagree with you on is the spicy. Nearly had a heart attack when I first saw you eat wasabi.

[He grabs a piece of the mango and dunks it in his wine. He closes his eyes and savors the exotic flavor as it touches his tongue.]

Mmm. Perfect.

[And now Remy feels horrid. He remembers that he's called Glaukir here with the intent of asking him to Carnival. Why was he doing this again? He takes another piece and eats it quicker than he had the first.]


kaikou_tide March 11 2010, 03:25:44 UTC
[Glaukir mirrors the gesture and touches his fingers to his lips as he chews, eyes lowered so he can concentrate on the flavour.]

...Mmmm. Outstanding.

[He quickly reaches for another piece, dunking it in red wine and sucking it into his mouth, licking the juice off his fingers. So, so delicious.]


ttlynotawizard March 11 2010, 03:45:02 UTC
Look, Kir...

[Remy sighs and runs his hand through his hair before taking a third piece of mango.]

I...wanted to know if you were still interested in going into Carnival. I know I said don't...And you don't have to if you don't want to.


kaikou_tide March 11 2010, 03:49:49 UTC
I'm not a fighter. I was forced to wear a gun whenever I was in conflicted zones, but it never left the holster. I don't attack and my use as a warrior is pretty much nil.

[He pauses to take a sip of the wine.]

But I'm a fully certified emergency first aid attendant and I'm a Beacon-rank Restorative Summoner with field experience. That means barring someone's head being cut off, I can probably fix them.

[He smiles, the expression lopsided.]

Just keep any hostiles off me and we're good to go. Let me rest when I call for a rest and I'll make sure everyone leaves with the same number of fingers and toes that they entered with.


ttlynotawizard March 11 2010, 03:54:27 UTC
[Remy can't help but smile softly.]

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I only thought of you because you're the best healer I know. I'm going in as well as Vanyel and a woman named Samus. I'm counting on Samus to take care of close range combat, Vanyel to handle long range. You're there to heal and I'm there to fill in when someone needs to be healed or in case of emergency, we need to escape.

[He stops himself from reaching over to take the priest's hand and covers his movement with a grab at the mango.]

I promise I will let no harm come to you.


kaikou_tide March 11 2010, 04:00:44 UTC
Don't promise that.

[Glaukir shakes his head, not noticing anything odd about Remy's aborted grab for his hand that turned into a grab for the mango. Glaukir takes another slice and dunks it in the wine again.]

Combat is unpredictable. It's best to just agree that we'll all do our best to work as a team. How about that?


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