Yay I'm not dead! I just ended up getting addicted to DeviantArt. Well, I'm clearing the cobwebs out of this account and going to make an effort (once again) to post regularly.
Here are some random amusing tidbits from my life:
I met Randall Munroe. He's the author of xkcd. He is my hero. After he was done making me swoon (by merely existing, of course) he told me that Calvin & Hobbes was the first comic strip he ever read. It kinda goes without saying, but Calvin & Hobbes is one of those age-old obsessions of mine, so I promptly swooned again. Anyway, I utterly failed to say anything witty or geeky to him. Oh well. Randall, you rock! xkcd rocks and everyone should read it! Sigh. Go read if you don't already!
http://xkcd.com/ As I said, I vanished from Livejournal because I got addicted to DeviantArt (oh horrors! Me drawing again! Not artistically, mind you, just freakishly bad fanart and some really stale old drawings). Then today, out of nowhere, I got a Daily Deviation on this custom pony:
http://kaikaku.deviantart.com/art/Alternate-Pose-Google-Pony-69750349 I'm traveling across the country in a few days for the Holidays. Can't wait to see the snow. I'm afraid the warm California weather may have spoiled me, I guess we'll see soon.