Story time!

Jul 21, 2005 04:45

Crunchy cheetos are really good at 4:45 in the mornin. Anyways, I'm in the mood for secret telling so here I begin!
-When I'm drunk, I'll go to the bathroom just to talk to myself in the mirror and remind myself I should be good..."you're drunk Heather, settle down. Remember to play it cool and yes, she is checking you out. You fucking hotty." *Then I make faces at myself that I believe are sexy*
-When I'm done masturbating I have to look at the clock to see how long it took me to come.
-When I lived in Oly with Crys and Brea, I would go to Mudbay Coffee everyday and have Brea make me the same thing everyday. What no one knew was the coffee (cappuccino) made me really sick every time I drank it and I only did it to check out Brea and hang out with Crys.
-I love the smell of old books.
-I really, really like watching old black and white cartoons.
-I think authority is hott.
-I never liked Scooby Doo because I couldn't figure out the damn mysteries.
-Muscles turn me on.
-I shake when I'm nervous.
-I changed my name because I thought it would make me sexier.
-I'm vain but very self conscience.
-My favorite beer is Fat Tire...wait, I dont think that's a secret. Oops.
-I've never gone skinny dipping.
-I once licked a shared a cows salt lick because I wanted to know what it tasted like....I was young.
Okay, I'm done.
Love to all who need it,
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