A Sunday Kind of Love

Jan 27, 2015 19:46

Title: A Sunday Kind of Love
Pairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo
Length: 612w drabble
Genre: (G) fluff, domestic au
Summary: Maybe Kyungsoo should feel selfish. He's been keeping Jongin all to himself for years (and doesn't plan on letting him go).

The first thing that wakes Kyungsoo is the sunlight. It burns through the curtains and paints a faded colour to the room.

A picture of him and Jongin on a chest of drawers light up for just enough time to make him smile, until the clouds move in and chase the sun to another spot. Maybe it will rain later. Maybe he’ll watch grey spots of air rush together and rain will fall down with a pair of arms around his waist. For now though, there’s a peaceful presence laced within the air. There’s a fine line between the end of winter and the break of spring. A line drawn in the spaces of seconds and right at this time, it feels as if the world is just waking up like him and there’s an early morning bliss. A moment of complete and utter silence, of forgetfulness and content. It’s not warm nor cold, there’s nothing to worry or over think about, nothing to draw attention to except the circles of colour lit up on the bedsheets by sun. There is no wrong or right, but everything feels just right.

Kyungsoo traces the sowing on the sheets with his forefinger until it meets the man sleeping next to him. He knows that he only has a few moments to himself before his movements stir the latter awake. His finger moves from the bed to the man’s face. He takes a moment to straighten out a crease in the others forehead and follow along his eyebrow then down to his eyelid. The latter starts to blink against his contact and Kyungsoo places his hand permanently on the back of his cheek, where the shaped jaw meets his hairline.

Jongin isn’t an early riser but on mornings like these, he seems to have a different outcome. Kyungsoo knows it’s not early in the morning but it isn’t late either.

Kyungsoo feels arms sliding around his waist and pulling him in tighter before Jongin has even opened his eyes. He doesn’t budge-sighing into the younger’s touch. With a hand curled at Jongin’s chest and the other out of the covers and on the back of his neck, Kyungsoo rests his head into the curve of where Jongin’s shoulder meets his neck and he doesn’t fail to marvel at the way he fits perfectly into his boyfriend’s touch. It’s then that he allows himself to close his eyes again. He knows that he could fall asleep like that and is it set upon doing it until Jongin presses a light kiss to his shoulder blade. He kisses Jongin’s shoulder back as a sort of greeting.

It’s their own language that they share with each other. Years of being together and spending their hours in the others comfort-days like these, has led to an unbreakable barrier circling and connecting them. Maybe Kyungsoo should feel selfish. He’s been keeping Jongin all to himself for years (and doesn’t plan on letting him go). He knows that the younger feels the same way, but there’s a different kind of love in the silence they share. Right now he doesn’t need any words to know what they’re saying to each other. There’s a expected ‘good morning’ here and maybe a ‘I love you’ there, but right now Kyungsoo just needs to be in Jongin’s embrace.

It’s a different kind of love they share on mornings like these. Lazy kisses and silent devotions. Touches that would normally be teasing suddenly become loving on mornings like these. It’s a love where they both feel content in each others presence. It’s a worry less, calming love.

It’s a Sunday kind of love.

a/n: crossposted from my aff (again)
talk to me on twitter c:

t: a sunday kind of love, p: kai/kyungsoo, au: domestic, f: exo, r: g

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