wild again

Feb 24, 2014 00:20

wild again
no one knows them better than themselves.

if you asked sunggyu he’d tell you, in a nutshell, woohyun and dongwoo are two very confusing people.

it’s mostly woohyun, really. sort of. but maybe in retrospect, it’s dongwoo because he has such an effect on the younger.

it’s not very noticeable, but if one looks in all the right directions it’s obvious. it’s obvious in the way they talk to each other. the tone is excruciatingly patient and calm and warm and if you look close (really, really close) it’s always a little bit more.

it hadn’t always been like that. it couldn’t, of course. there is always a nostalgic period in-between pre-debut and a one year anniversary. it’s the biggest blow of this fucking sucks to the gut.

it wasn’t that dongwoo was more mature, he was just better at hiding things. it’s one thing to conceal the cracks and another to fill them.

“this is stupid.” dongwoo pauses, “you’re being stupid-“ woohyun looks up to see dongwoo closing the bedroom door behind him. this is the first time they’ve been alone in a long time.

“what hyung-“ woohyun starts then he stops right after. he’s got a lump in his throat that’s too large to swallow. everything is so much bigger now, it’s too big and he’s stuck he’s stuck he’s stuck.

dongwoo sighs and sits down on the bed next to him. there's still a large space between them.

"just because we're infinite now doesn't mean-" dongwoo's voice goes an octave higher. he's looking down at the lint he's picking off the blanket. just because he took the initiative doesn't mean he's any good at it.

"i still. i-" he breathes out, shudders. "-still-" he's tripping but maybe he's tripping with woohyun. everything's big but it's so much brighter than before.

"I still want to," dongwoo hasn't even finished a proper sentence but woohyun knows what he means. they were always good at that. sure, they were something before but maybe they still are.

"if you want to," dongwoo looks up finally, exhales. the space isn't as big as before, their palms finding each other. it's probably not as complicated as woohyun is making it to be. he presses his fingertips into dongwoo's palm.

there's only ever one answer with dongwoo and it feels so much better.

it's obvious in the way woohyun presses a kiss to the corner of dongwoo's mouth when he thinks no one is watching. they do the dishes late at night and by the end they're throwing soap suds everywhere. they're young and they're stupidly in love, wild again.

they don't hold hands in public, but there's an inseparable void that lingers.

they smile and they wave for the cameras. woohyun isn't the only one dongwoo can interact with. sungyeol attaches himself to him one day because the fans like that. when sungyeol goes to myungsoo, howon comes to him and sunggyu looks after the maknae.

woohyun laughs in the distance, a little lost, forlorn and quite alone.

dongwoo notices the little things. he neatens out woohyun's collar before they go onstage. usually woohyun relishes in the attention, his grin stretching from ear to ear.

today he walks away.

"come on," dongwoo pleads after they're back at the dorm. "you can't do this to me. i know you want me to yourself. so do i, but we can't afford to do that. you know that."

woohyun would like to think he's shameless. he would like to think that nothing bothers him but it always does and if this is his worst, dongwoo has seen it and he's still here.

it doesn't take long for him to be wrapped in dongwoo's arms. it never does.

on good days they are children. dongwoo has a loud laugh. woohyun kisses it off his mouth quietly.

they kiss until it's just them on a mattress. dongwoo's leg is warm over his thigh. the sun thaws them through the window. woohyun nibbles dongwoo's ear and squeezes his wrist until he laughs so he can kiss it away again.

dongwoo walks into the kitchen to get a glass of water late one night to find woohyun.

he doesn't even have to ask.

"i couldn't sleep," woohyun mumbles, hands and toes pink from the cold air. dongwoo sighs and takes him by the wrists, leading him to the couch.

"it's comfier," he explains. woohyun looks so tired, so worn out by the image. it was always keeping up the image that was the hardest.

dongwoo knows but he doesn't say anything about it and that's what woohyun likes best about him. dongwoo has always been good at worrying over him and now that woohyun thinks about it, it's probably what's best. it's better now as they lie in silence waiting for sleep to consume them.

it has never been complicated if woohyun really looks at them, and if he looks a little closer, it's always a little like love.

if you asked sunggyu he’d tell you, woohyun and dongwoo might be the most confusing pair he knows, but they make everything so, so easy.

  • title taken from this song, which was listening to throughout
  • twitter
  • i cannot get over 2woo dvnajdjiofosnbb

p: dongwoo/woohyun, au: canon, f: infinite, infinite is my weakness, warning: lapslock, t: wild again

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