Final Fantasy 15 actually looks...good. I haven't wanted to even look at a FF game since the steaming shitsack that was 10. The last one I played and liked was 9. 13 should have won me back, given my love of strong female protagonists in games, but sadly, Lightning was the only good thing in that disaster.
I haven't wanted anything to do with Final Fantasy for fourteen years, and bear in mind that this was once my favorite RPG series. It's long since been eclipsed by others, and I've said more than once that I'd never touch a FF game again. The fact that Final Fantasy: The Road Trip (What? Look at it! They're in a car!) makes me feel otherwise says a lot.
My one gripe is the apparent lack of female party members. It's all guys this time, and I doubt your party will be that large, as they've only got so much room in that car. Also a tiny gripeling concerning Noctis' mood-ring eyes, but I can overlook that (also to be honest, he looks like he could have been one of my RP characters from days past, so I'm partial). Still would have liked it if the eventual fifth party member was female. Maybe they'll surprise me.
Whatever the case, I'm pretty sure I'll actually give this one a try.