Apr 05, 2008 12:46
Nothing new to report. I finally settled myself into the PhD route, so I don't have to stress myself over that line of thinking anymore.
What to say... I went to go see Avenue Q with Anushree, and it rocked. I worked at the ING marathon at a water stop recently, which has motivated me to train for a half-marathon. My birthday is quickly approaching, and my mother will be visiting me for a day. I need to plan that out so she isn't too bored while here, and so she doesn't get into the mindset of cleaning my apartment.
Ugh.. I have to clean.
I have caught back up with Pranay, the time difference between here and Singapore just makes verbal communication horrid. He's having his own set of life issues with his girlfriend and his job, but I know he will figure things out. He's going to be working in India for 6 months for Bain, and I'm sure he is going to enjoy that. Even if his bathroom consists of a shower spout with a hole in the ground. He has to make a grand appearance back in the states this summer to maintain his green card status, so I plan to see him then.
Speaking of summer, I have a crazy schedule lined up. This consists of: returning to UC Davis somewhere in May~June; Going to Sandia National Labs the last week in June; visiting Danielle in Texas in June; the peachtree roadrace in July; and a 5AM GD tapeout to immerse myself in all summer.
Yup, my life is busy.