
Oct 13, 2006 16:03


I just wanted to post a bit of an update:

First, I've added two affiliates to the bio page. ij_az is a community for fans of Athrun Zala from Gundam Seed run by our very own garowyn. The second is namelessoldier, for fans of Trowa Barton from Gundam Wing, which Garowyn and I are working on creating. Check 'em out if you're interested.

Second, the contest. Er, providing y'all still remember about the contest. I do, in fact, have my laptop back, and have for a while. Bad news: I'm trying to juggle finishing betaing the entries with school (first AP course this year -- ARRGHHH, homework!), math team, and trying to work on some original fiction, so it's moving slowly. Good news: I'm almost done! I've finished the_stray_one's and felinesatoshi's, and I've started livealittle090's, so it shouldn't be too long.

Refresh my memory: was there anyone besides those three that sent in an entry? If you did, you don't need to resend it, just let me know who you are so I can search it out in my files.

Thirdly, we appear to be... dead. In order to kick up some activity (and because I can't handle hosting a contest for Seto's upcoming birthday) I thought I might start posting weekly drabble themes for people to respond to. There wouldn't be any prize, but it would get you writing and feedback, and maybe it'll get ideas flowing to help you through any Writer's Block you might be experiencing. These would not have to be betaed (unless you want them to be, but I can't do it, please!). Posting them in raw form would be a good way to improve your writing because you'd be getting POLITE feedback from multiple people instead of just one. What say you?

Finally, on a more personal note, I just wanted to let anyone who reads my YGO stories know that I'm taking a hiatus from them until I get more inspiration. They are not dead, but I have no idea when I'll go back to them. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thanks for your time. Be sure to comment to let me know if you sent in a contest entry and I didn't mention your name as well to give me your thoughts on my drabble idea. :D

hiatus, notices, contest, drabbles, writing, affiliates, fanfiction

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