21 weeks 1 day cont'd

Jul 04, 2008 13:11

 I just got into it with him... AGAIN... on the phone.  Just now.  I just wanted to say hi, and tell him that I love him.

He's in a horrible mood, thinks that I am pissed with him.  I am NOT pissed at him, I couldn't talk... my boss was around.  Grr!  What a horrible ride up to get the kids it will be.  I better bring kleenex because I think I am going to need it.

I realize he's in a pissy mood... that is why I don't see the point in continuing the conversation.  I have a horrible feeling that I am going to start crying again as soon as I get into the car.  And all that is going to do is fuel his fire that he doesnt know how to handle me.  He said it when we were on the phone... that he doesnt know how to handle me, that he is trying to do the "next right thing" by staying calm and not screaming... well, i've got news for him... the words jurt just as much as the tone of voice.

He's got issues with the people he works with.  One or two people there in particular.  He's in a horrible mood, and is most likely transferring that mood to the people with whom he works.  Lucky them.  He told me he's tired.  No sh*t!  So am I!  But that is no excuse for a horrible mood!!!  Crying because I am sensitive and preggo isnt and excuse, its a reality.  And if he doesn't like that reality... well he can shove it up his a*s!

Muther-f*ck!  What a horrible day... Can it just be over?  Can I re-wind and go back to this morning... and try to prevent this whole thing from happening?


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