9weeks 6days

Apr 16, 2008 09:45

Still preggo!!  :)

I have to keep reminding myself of that fact...

The nausea is finally wearing down a little... and  I have managed to make due on only 2 diclectin a day instead of 4.

My breasts, more explicitly my nipples are so damn sore... its insane!  And talk about nail growth... I need to cut these claws.. holy crap.  I could chop someone up easily with these things!  I just hope that my hair has grown enough so that they can cut all the colour out of it... cuz currently I HATE MY HAIR!

My moodswings are getting much better... I haven't had a tears outburst in over a week...

I absolutley love my maternity jeans from Old Navy!  I feel human again in them.  They stay up and they look like normal jeans (when the elastic band is covered).  I think I definatley have to go back there...

Dear Mini-Wheat Turkey-Butt,

I love you very much little one.  You are very special to me and daddy.  I hope you are happy and healthy, (its less than 2 weeks away that we get to meet your doctor).  Right now, you are growing really fast, and I can't wait to see you on another ultra-sound.  Your daddy and I have decided that we want to know as much about you as we can, so we are going to cheat, and find out if you are a boy or a girl.  I am happy either way Turkey-Butt, as long as you are happy and healthy!




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