I've been tagged. :P

Jan 18, 2009 23:21

Ok, I was tagged by haganegiri So here I go.  16 random things about me.

1.  I absolutely despise yellow squash and anything with it in it.  It grosses me out.

2.  On the other hand, I love chocolate chip cookies dipped in orange juice.

3.  I lived in Germany for 2 years as a child, but my German is terrible now.

4.  I love road racing my father's and my 1968 Ford Mustang.  In fact, I love just about anything that requires going very fast.

5.  I'm terrified of disappointing people.  I have done so many things I now regret for fear of disappointing people.

6.  I've never dated anyone.  Ever.  Sometimes, this makes me really sad, but my friends are always there to perk me up.

7.  I'm totally obsessed with the Zelda games.

8.  I love stupid humor.  Like Napoleon Dynamite-esque humor.

9.  I love languages.  A lot.  I hope to soon finish with Russian, and move on to Romanian, which hopefully will give me an edge in the job market.

10.  The number of times I've busted my knuckles working on my car is immeasurable.

11.  Horseback riding was my first love.  The first horse I ever rode was named Pepper.  He was a total sweetheart.

12.  As a result of #11, the number of times I've fallen off a horse is also immeasurable.

13.  I'm terrified of something going wrong with my body that I can't see or notice until it's too late.

14.  I was a cheerleader in middle school.  For our Robotics team.  Yeah.  I'm not joking.

15.  I'm often hypoglycemic.  Not too badly, but I get really dizzy if I go too long without eating.

16.  I still have every trophy I ever received.  From as far back as I can remember.

OK, there you have it. 
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