Terrorists and Drug Addictions:

May 23, 2004 11:19

This dream was pretty crazy.

I was on a plane sitting all comfortably when I see a bunch of Arabs standing at the front announcing they were taking over. One of them had a gun and was shooting it at the overhead luggage bins to scare people. After he fired his last round I could've sworn I heard a click meaning that he had no bullets left. He still pointed the gun towards everyone in a threatening manner. I wondered why everyone didn't rally together to jump these guys. Well finally, I jumped in there and disarmed his gun using an Aikido technique and broke his finger. Then a couple of the other passengers helped out. But one of the terrorists was by the door and openned it and jumped out. The oxygen masks fell down but I wasn't anywhere near a seat so I couldn't breathe cause of the pressure. More importantly, I was holding on tight so I wouldn't fly out. Another passenger tried to reach the door with one arm to close it and couldn't. I helped him out by using my legs to try and close the door since I was almost horizontally perpendicular with the ground. Finally we got the door closed.

Everyone cheered cause there was not one loss of life or injury and all the terrorists were dead. I remember not wanting to be acknowledged for what I did. I just wanted to get to my destination. I went in the cockpit to see how the pilots were but the cockpit looked weird. It had about 10 seats instead of just two for the pilot and co-pilot. One of them had a gun aimed towards the door to shoot the terrorists. I said it was good the pilots carried a gun. It's not a security risk cause the pilots could kill everyone by crashing the plane if they wanted so why not let them have a gun for protection.

When the plane landed I went to every counter asking if they had Mild Seven cigarettes. A Japanese brand. I don't know maybe quitting smoking is hard on me and I dream about cigarettes now. Hah hah.

Then I went to this big library. It was huge and looked really old and classic with intricate carvings in the wood. I saw some of my friends and they showed me this new type of drug they were buying. It looked like a normal pill in the usual casing. The supplier hid it underneath a bookshelf. It was the fastest growing drug cause it was supposedly the best feeling and most addictive to date. Also the deadliest one to date. I was tempted to try it but then I thought that was dumb. I didn't know what to do about this cause everyone from cops to library workers were circulating this new drug. I didn't know who to go to so I left.
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