Cosplayer and Lolita how to find the balance.

Apr 24, 2013 08:17

Kind of a weird thought I had today while working and I figured I would share.

So I am a cosplayer, yeah I know that is blindingly obvious. However I also adore Lolita, as well as retro style. And you might think to yourself well those are very different. And yes they are. So here is a little incite from me to you and anyone who was interested in Lolita the fashion but was worrying about the concept of a life-styler verses say a weekend warrior.

So as a cosplayer I not always but often times have a revealing or sexy or whatever costume. Mind you part of what I love about cosplay is creating these fantastical creations the other part is the roleplayer of old in me enjoys taking on that persona for the day. I get to be more that me, or different than me really. I know there is a big thing about cosplayer =/= consent but this really isn't that sort of thing. But yes I go to conventions or cool photoshoots and get attention and possibly/hopefully praise for my hard work and then I go home. Me at home is a very different creature.

While I am an anime/cartoon/sci-fi watching, comic book/fiction reading, videogaming girl who can be loud and obnoxious or so quite you would think I had left the room depending on what I am doing. I am very easy going. I work at a job were dress is business attire so while I do occasionally wear skirts or a dress I tend to wear slacks with a nice blouse. On the weekends sometimes I do yardwork or I am working hard at some new creation, if it's messing you can normally find me in torn up jeans and a old t-shirt but if not you will more than likely catch me in lolita or something more retro 30's. I enjoy dressing up and so I like to wear my nice frilly and retro dresses and skirts. Now I also have nice jeans and shirts for clubbing etc. But we are talking more normal.

So what does this all mean? Well nothing it's merely a collection of thoughts to share with people who are curious about what others do/feel about it. Also just because a person is wearing something cute doesn't mean they are all tea partys and crumpets, one of my favorite things to do in lolita is drink because well if I do happen to cross the line of sobriety I know that with my petti and bloomers I am still safe if I fall or sit weird, not so much in my retro skirts/dresses. My clothes aren't me I am in my clothes because I like them, if you want to know me then talk to me it will honestly tell you way more than merely looking and judging. And if you are a cosplayer who saw lolita at a convention and though "Oh wow that is soooo cute!" go ask them about it they will probably be more than happy to explain, it's what I did. Also keep in mind the internet is a far harsher place than the real world and more often than not people will leave you be, that isn't to say always but honestly I think the worse thing that has happened to me was a few cat calls and someone thinking I was a square dancer, and really how much worse is that then then responses you already get in cosplay?

balance, cosplay, personal thoughts, lolita

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