Could you guys please help me by clicking this link??? Please. So, I was doing a Yahoo! Crossword with Briana and watching VH1's 40 Dumbest Celebrity Quotes (I think that was the title - it was something similar) and they were talking about one of Jessica Simpson's "quotes." One of the answers in the crossword was "Tudor." I was being silly, refering to The Lexicon of Stupidity for one of the newspaper ads that said "Tudors Needed" and said that Jessica Simpson needed one (a Tudor), as I typed "Tudor" into the crossword.
Then I said, "Tudors Needed!" referencing the ad in The Lexicon of Stupidity.
Briana then said, "We have a package deal on three!"
Here my brain did one of those "what?!?!?" moments and I asked, "You have a package deal on three Tudors?"
She said, "No, on three doors." I responded, "Oh, two doors needed. Three doors. Got it."
Now, for a YouTube video made from a comic my sister found. I told her she needed to make the video. Can you tell what it is before it tells you at the end?
Stein Auf!