Brought to you by wrong answers guessed by random trivia players.
Started on Saturday, June 6, 2015 . . .
- Saudi Arabia is the world's tallest land mammal.
- Greece is located in the continent of Spain.
- Fresh kale is blue.
- Kevi Vacon is the name of an actor.
- Winnie the Pooh lives in Shermon woods.
- Oslo is the capital of Switzerland.
- The term for the distance light travels in one year is revolution.
- Crimson is a shade of blue.
- A rat is an insect.
- A comet is a children's outdoor toy attached to a string.
- There was a king of England named Henry Visio.
- Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in the opera industry.
- The original color of Yoshi from the Super Mario Bros. series of games is purple.
- Spiderman is a Disney villain.
- Bilbo Baggins is a character in Harry Potter.
- In the American English dictionary, the letter Z comes before the letter W.
- Roosters are used in equestrian sports.
- The country of South Africa is on the continent of Europe.
- St. John was the first pope.
- People who support football teams are known as both air conditioners and ventilators.
- A sundial is a type of clock that wakes people up.
- There is a Disney movie called Snow White and the 7 Clowns.
- In the medical field, gestation means both farting and digestion.
- Roses produce saffron.
- There is a saying that goes, "An apple a day keeps the disease away."
- A cube has eight faces.
- Carbon dioxide smells like rotten eggs.
- A seagull is a type of fish.
- The wisemen brought baby Jesus gifts of gold, silver, and pottery.
- Mother Goose wrote The Cat in the Hat.
- Ernest Hemingway wrote The Cat in the Hat.
- Ariel is a male Disney character that falls in love with Princess Jasmine.
- Lady from Lady and the Tramp is a poodle.
- Tom of Tom and Jerry is blue.
- Tommy from The Rugrats has the last name Rugrats or Rug.
- The wisemen brought gifts of gold, pearls, and diamonds to the baby Jesus.
- Superman either came from the planet Neptune or Saturn.
- According to Beyonce, if you liked it, you shouldv'e put your lips on it.
- Horse milk is made to make chevre (a type of cheese).
- Bactrians and dromedaries are bears.
- Tetanus is known as the Black Death.
- House cats are diesel powered.
- Polo is a sport that is played on the backs of either camels or ostriches.
- Lying under oath is known as either burglary or larceny.
Brought to you by wrong answers guessed by random trivia players.