. . . And the pea soup

Jul 06, 2014 19:42

I sat there and watched her force him to eat pea soup. Day after day, she forced him to eat pea soup. Day after day she never let him leave. Day after day, she kept him prisoner. Day after day, he had nothing to look at but a picture of her dead daughter.

Now, I wasn't sitting there day after day. I wasn't the one feeding him pea soup, either. In fact, I was only sitting for about two hours. In fact, I didn't even watch the two of them for two hours. They were there for me to watch for two hours.

She looked to happy to be the same woman, but she was where I was sitting. Yes, the woman that fed the man pea soup was in the same room where I was watching her feed the man pea soup.

How was she in the same room with me?

Yet, even before I watched her feed him pea soup, I knew what was going to happen. She was promising him that she wouldn't hurt him. However, he would say what she wanted him to say. After that, she would shoot him and he would die. That would be it.

That should've been it, but somehow the man was also in the same room with me.

If the man had died, how was he in the same room with me?

Oh, yeah, it was a movie. Did you guess that? I was at a screening of The Man in the Chair, a film for some local filmmakers. Many of my friends helped make the film and I know the two main stars of the film.

I don't always know how films are going end, but I predicted this one from the beginning. The woman kept a man prisoner by tying him to a chair. She did this out of revenge because her daughter had been killed when he was drunk driving and hit her daughter. Her daughter had to stay in the hospital and could only eat pea soup. She wanted him to confess that he killed her daughter.

Once he finally confessed, she shot him and he died.

Other things happened in the movie, but that was the main plot.

Disclaimer: This entry was written for the week 14 topic of Confession from the Chair for therealljidol.

lji, livejournal idol, ljidol, real life stories

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