One more movie . . .

Apr 24, 2014 18:44

I have one more movie to watch and that movie is Snow White. I am feeling really good about my research paper. Of course, it has taken one turn from another in my mind while I've been researching.

I've watched Gone with the Wind, Frozen, Brave, Tangled, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and Sleeping Beauty. All of these Disney movies have true princesses, meaning that they were born of royal blood and didn't marry into it. I don't count Pocahontas as a princess even though she would be an equivalent. It's not a real princess because a Native American chieftan doesn't count as a prince.

I have to write this paper and the one about John Dryden using London as a Christ Figure in Annus Mirabilis before Monday arrives. I'll be doing a lot of work these next few days.
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