Mad Glibs!

Mar 15, 2009 18:03

We've been playing on! At first, I was asking Briana and Mama for words and these two things have been the results. The third, I clicked on one and it was my result!

Dear mother-in-law,
I am having a(n) bouncy time at camp. The counselour is amorphous and the food is elongated. I met Niblet and we became ballistic friends. Unfortunately, Niblet is pointed and I embiggened my fingernail so we couldn`t go ensmallening like everybody else. I need more dog furs and a banana peel sharpener, so please emphatically vaccinate more when you paw back.
Your great uncle,

Two peppermint bark pieces, both alike in dignity,
In fair bottom of the pacific ocean, where we lay our scene,
From ancient blade of grass break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross`d xylophones take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their captain's log bury their parents` strife.
The fearful passage of their deprecated love,
And the continuance of their parents` rage,
Which, but their children`s end, nought could puppy wrestle,
Is now the 3.1415926535 hours` traffic of our stage;
The which if you with egg noggy spleen attend,
What here shall intubate, our toil shall strive to mend.

I enjoy long, scarlet walks on the beach, getting hitched in the rain and serendipitous encounters with stirrups. I really like piña coladas mixed with milk, and romantic, candle-lit gorillas. I am well-read from Dr. Seuss to Sanjaya. I travel frequently, especially to Denmark, when I am not busy with work. (I am a Puppeteer.) I am looking for bowling ball and beauty in the form of a Swedish goddess. She should have the physique of one of the Indigo Girls and the window of Lynn. I would prefer if she knew how to cook, clean, and wash my egg shells. I know I’m not very attractive in my picture, but it was taken 7 days ago, and I have since become more ambiguous.


adj. Having a/an parenthetical daggers and light patellae.
n. A/An hennin having a/an parenthetical daggers and light patellae.


adj. sloughed against feeling; sloughed in jingling or wickedness; not giving in to Twinkies; showing unfeeling arboretums to tender rookeries.


n. The right to cut sandal in a mothball for a family fire.

"A/An archetype in hand is worth 64 billion in the dinosaur egg."
"A/An barometric mouth catagorizes no feet."
"A/An switchable demigod believes anything, but a elephantine demigod gives thought to his feathers."
"A gosling in time hinders nine."

"A woman`s advice is no articulate thing, but he who won`t click it is a fool."

"Absence makes the earlobe grow gangrened-er."

"A/An ice cream never kinks far from the musical score."

"Anyone can hold the octopus when the sea is quixotic."

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hortense Hufflemeyer unsqueakable,

Will you let me evangelize your zipper? Ever since I have laid leukocytes on Wendy, I have patched madly in love with her. I wish that she will be the twiddle bug of my Chinese sheep spleens and that someday we will welcome happily ever after. I have a mat as a/an cleaner that pays $525,600 each month. I promise to bark Wendy with kindness and respect.

Woofle Puffles

entertainment, sister, silliness, sister moments

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