It's Pi Day!

Mar 14, 2009 16:15

Happy Pi Day!

Yes, it is 3/14 and that means that it is Pi Day!

You know, 3.14 is Pi and that means that it is Pi Day!

So, here is a way to celebrate the day!

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Oh, and you know how I once posted the song "Shakesperian Pie" and think it's great?

Well, for Pi Day, I just happened to come across this!

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When looking for that song earlier, I came across videos that people made that said they were of the most annoying songs or the 10 most annoying songs.

I didn't agree with a lot of them, though some I did agree were annoying.

However, that brought me to this next video, and I found it quite funny! Have a listen!

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Why, you're certainly welcome :)
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