Aug 17, 2006 23:08
I like getting together with people. At least, people who don't suck -- which, if you are readinging this, is probably you! (Not sucking, that is. Hurray for not-suck!)
So I had an idea today for something to do. I have an enourmous sketchbook that never saw a lot of use. It's 18 x 24". Preeeetty big.
You know what I think would be nice? To open it up on a table in some nice open area on a nice sunny day with a handful of pens and pencils, surround it with Those Who Do Not Suck, and fill it. With what, who cares? Would you have to contribute? No, but you could. It's open permission to draw or doodle or write or sketch or plan or vandalize or whatever else you can do by making marks on paper. Communally!
Does this appeal to people, artsy and otherwise? If people would be interested, I'll try to arrange something before I head back to the TO in... only a few weeks!
Let me know!
- Kagirinai