My little sister and hypocrytes

May 01, 2006 13:09

::whistles:: This post will be a whole bunch of griping, and bitching and otherwise normal stuff from me, I guess. Should be a bad thing, but I suppose this is what my LJ is for. Anime. Manga. Story. Bitching. >_> That's what my life consists of. Oh, and broken dreams! 'cus they're tasty.

Alright, I know little chibi's are bad. Hell, they have way too much energy and if it isn't constructively put to use, all sorts of mayhem happen. That's what's happening to my sister. She is a little bad ass monster. You know, I've said before that my mother needs to beat her ass, but no. I admit that that's the wrong way to go about it. As much as it would make me feel better. There needs to be a more constructive way.

One of the first ways I wish I could do, and that would be to just reform her dad. He's a pain in the ass. When she was little, he used to encourage her to do stupid things. I'm not talking about farting in public or anything like that, cus when they're small, that doesn't matter at all. But when she'd do something, my mother would tell her, 'Don't do that' and he'd be all like 'Nah, she's fine' or something like that. They don't have a combined way of how they should parent. That is somehting they need. Consistancy.

Just the other day, in fact, *yesterday*, the bag of chicken was leaking on the floor, so I had to wipe it up, then chibi dropped some icecream on it. Instead of wiping it up, she got on her knees and tried to lick it off the floor. Instead of telling her 'Don't lick that off the floor' he's like 'A little dirt won't kill her'. Has he ever heard of SALMONELLA. E-COLI? These are dangerous diseases from UNCOOKED chicken. A little water and a paper towel won't KILL those bacteria. Then, because I nudged her [though I admit it was a little hard because I had shoes on] with my foot so she couldn't lick it he glares at me and says 'Feet are for walking on, not for kicking.' and I'm like 'Yea. So when SHE kicks ME, I'll tell her 'Feet are walking on, not for kicking'' and he's like 'That's right'. And I was so tempted to tell him BULL SHIT. Your bad ass daughter won't listen to shit. Don't go telling me to try and reason with her.

And now he's starting to tell her not to do things and trying to give her discipline. It's not too late, but what the hell were you doing for the past 3 YEARS. Skipping around and letting her do what she wants? My mother gives in to her all the time. If chibi knows she can't get it from me, then she'll just run to my mother and I'll hear her calling from upstairs 'Give her the ____!' and I call back 'NO! Because I said she couldn't have it and I won't give it to her' but because I listen to my mother [sometimes] I end up giving it to her. All that teachers her is if she whines, she'll get it. I've told my mother that a thousand times, but no one wants to listen to me. Hell, I know these things because I was a child once.

Hell, I'm a spoiled child, too. Even though I have a sister, she's 3, and I'm 20. I was raised as an only child. I know exactly where this path leads, and because her father is the way he is, she'll be running the street just like his kids do. They're grown, but the boy still lives at home, doesn't have a job, doesn't go to school. His dad gave him 50 dollars, instead of saving it for something, buying food, or even spending it on *himself*, he went and spent it on this girl he's trying to impress. STUPID. Spend your OWN money on shit like that, not some that your FATHER gave you. I'm not even trying to dis his kids. I'm not saying that they're completely wrong and I'm right. I have *plenty* of problems with me and I'm perfectly willing to accept them. Hell, I'll list them out for future reference.

  1. I'm selfish
  2. I complain too much
  3. I'm lazy
  4. I have no motivation
  5. My memory sucks
  6. I don't listen
  7. I'm mean and hurtful even when I don't mean to be
  8. I argue even if there's nothing to argue about cus it's FUN
  9. I'm crude
  10. [insert a billion other things I can't think of now]

There. And that's not even half of it I'm sure. But if my mother doesn't want her to end up like me, then she needs to start whipping her into shape with some serious child management. I've been thinking myself about starting a college fund for her myself, because right now, my mother has no means of sending me to college. When I get myself settled in the next 5 years, I'll have the means to save up. Even if I could only save up 500 dollars a year, in 10 years when she goes to college, that's 5,000 dollars. That could pay for tuition or SOMETHING. Even if it's only books [school books]. The rising cost of college is ridiculous, but that is another rant altogether.

My mother also needs to set up a reward system if she wants any of this to work later. If chibi does something bad, then she doesn't get something she wants. If she doesn't get anything she wants that day, it's because she didn't listen. If she doesn't get ready for bed without being told, she doesn't get a book read to her that night. Easy. Of course, trying to implement this would be hard because my motehr is just as stubborn as I am... and really, who am I to try and give my mother child rearing advice? ::sighs::: Oh well. This'll all come back to bite someone [probably me] in the ass.

Ah, and random anime stuff. E21. Just watched up to 42 [I think] and Sakuraba is really... weird. I still like his new look with the buzz cut... but his voice doesn't fit him anymore. 0.o And he got really muscular, too. Seriously. I wanna see the Oujo White Knights play. Arg! ::dances around:: Oh, and NEW BLEACH TOMORROW! Yaha!

I won't ever lie and say I'm not a hypocryte. I mean, everyone is. Now one can say they have never said one thing and done another. But there is just one person who takes the cake.

Pan's mom.

And when Pan reads this, 'cus I know she will. She will laugh, and nod, and wish her mother could read it and UNDERSTAND why she's a hypocryte and understand WHY she's smothering. She might also beat me, but that's always a probability with her. Her personality test DID say she was the Brute...

Anyway. First off. Yeah, she's a hypocryte, and we can all go on and on about how bad hypocrytes are. But I'd like to start on something else that could possibly be worse than her hypocrisy. Which I spelled wrong... but yeah...

She's smothering. Her daughter had a boyfriend. I say *had* because he was chased away by her mom. Anyway, she had a boyfriend, but for whatever reason, instead of just stipulating rules for their relationship, she just outright forbid her to see him. Why? Don't know. Did she actually forbid her completely, don't know that for certain either, but she did from what I understand. So, you know what happens when you forbid someone to do something right. They try their damndest to do it anyway. So she still went out with him, and this is before I knew her. For whatever reason, they parted ways this first time.

The second time they got into a relationship was because her mother forced it on the guy. They could have had a fine friendship or whatever, and he might have eventually been ready for a relationship, but her mother forced him into it. In fact, if she had left them alone and let it run it's course, she could have had her fill of him or they could have parted naturally and been done with each other by now. I mean, it's been 2 or 3 years off and on because of her mom.

She just doesn't trust her daughter, and because of that mistrust, she hates her mom. I'd say dislike, but I hoestly think it's a love hate relationship. Mostly hate. She goes out with us, and if for whatever reason she doesn't answer her phone or her mom can't get in contact with her whenever she damn well pleases, she thinks Pan ran off somewhere and is doing something she's not supposed to.

For example. Yesterday, we went to the movies to see Ice Age. That was hilarious, by the way, and then to the bookstore. We were going to Imouto's house, but her dad said they were going somewhere so we turned back around and went to my house. Around 8:20 or so, her mom called the house. I didn't answer the phone cus the cordless wasn't anywhere nearby and my mother didn't yell down to me the phone was for me. Pan had her phone on silent and forgot to turn it back on after the movie. So when her mom called, she didn't answer it.

She looked at her phone and was like, 'Oops. Mom called and I forgot to turn my phone on' and so she called her back. Her mom was like 'Where are you' yadda yadda and she' like I'm at Kage's house, yadda yadda. She wanted to speak to me and I was like, Yello? Yeah, she's here. I didn't answer the phone because I didn't get to it and my mom didn't say it was for me and I hand the phone back to Pan. Her mother tells her 'I don't like the way this is turning out' and tells her to come home. It's like WTF? Just because you didn't know where she was for an HOUR you make her come home. AND to take the cake, she wanted her to stop by the store to get pretzels. Yes. Pretzels. And when she told her she didn't have money on her, she told her to come home, pick up money, and then GO BACK OUT to buy a bag of pretzels. That's just some fucking shit. I mean, come on. I always had a very thin layer of doubt she was as bad as Pan says, but that sheet was blown away a few months ago during the Disney fiasco. And don't even get me STARTED on that. I'm glad I didn't write on it, because if it takes me all day to write about a 3 day anime convention, imagine how much I'd have to say about a 5 day week of HELL at Disney World. ::grumbles::

Che. And that's only part I. Sadly, more to come...

eyeshield 21, life

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