HachiClo, E21, Yakitate!Japan!

Apr 24, 2006 10:11

I finished Hachimitsu to Clover! Yay! Banzai! Yes! ::pumps fists:: Takemoto is now officially my favorite Honey & Clover character! I mean, he got, like, how many episodes to himself? Then again, they all seemed to get a least a few that were dedicated solely to themselves, but his, I think, were the... ehhh, not better... but... arg! I liked his better! That and Morita didn't really get any episodes to himself. I hope that they'll do something with him next season since they're doing a second one! Hurray! Morita always bothered me, cus he always knew a lot more about everything than he ever seemed to let on and ran away from things just like Mayama, but more hilariously. Oh, and the only time I'll ever use a stupid <3 symbol:

Takemoto + Tan = <3's

Now if only I could find a colorbar for that. 0.o Aa. I need HachiClo colorbars! Nooo! ::spiraling down:: That's really the last thing I need to clutter my bio... which I need to redo to show my current anime/manga goings on... since this is basically all my life is... ::laughs pathetically:: My physical body is always doing something with anime [unless I'm at work] and my mental thoughts are with my story. 0.o Aa, the horror of the fandoms converging on me.

Anyway, HachiClo is over and I await the second season. I've already watched the second DVD of Eyeshield 21 containing episodes 21-38 and laughed my ass off, as I do a lot with E21. And you know what... Sakuraba with whiskers is actually kinda hot. But MAN I am waiting for him to cut his hair! GOD how I'm waiting! It's in episode 41 when I saw it, and I have no idea who Oujo was playing, but I'll find out soon enough. ::jumps around:: And when Sakuraba broke down in front of Takami, their quarterback... I was like, 'Wait, No! Don't, Sakuraba! Don't do it! Don't - ::sighs:: start crying...' It wasn't really a cry though. He'd already done that earlier. ::snorts:: It was more of a wail as he fell down to his knees in the rain that he'd been running around in ealier like an idiot. Though I am happy he's quit being an idol [as much as anyone can quit being in the center of media attention] and focused on football. His producer manager guy always rubbed me wrong, like he was supposed to... since theirs no other reason to make him so sleazy...

I kinda like the new OP and kinda don't like it. The beginning of the song is boring, but the end is good. 0.o The 'Aaa-ing' of the beginning reminded my of The Slayers Try OP Breeze, which is such a shot from the past that I can't believe I even remember the lyrics for it but am currently singing it in my head. Aa, I got offtrack again. The first two EDs of E21 I liked, but the third is kinda meh. I recognized all but one team they played against in the OP. There was the Seibu Wild Gunmans, Zokugaku Chameleons [I'm pretty sure that's wrong, but it's what stuck], and the Oujo White Knights. The fourth team with the green reptilian like uniforms [that I like almost as much as the Oujo uniform] I don't know yet. I assume I'll find out later. Aa well. And I look forward to them dragging out the Oujo VS. Deimon battle when it happens, cus it damn well BETTER happen. I mean, come on! They lost to Shinryuuji [I think that's what it was] and Agon wasn't even playing! If they play them again when Agon plays, who knows what'll happen. That and the fact that Deimon'll probably end up playing them, but I have no idea of the block arrangements. ::shrugs::

And if Taki [their new tightend] says A~hah! and wiggles around one more time, I WILL reach through my computer screen and PUNCH him... after I laugh at what stupid thing he just said to get Monta competing so eagerly against him because they're both simple-minded idiots. Really...

Aa, and since I caught up with Eyeshield on DVD, I started Yakitate! Japan! Otherwise known by my friends as 'Bread'. I'm the only one who ventures in trying to say the name. Like I'm the only one who sometimes amusedly says 'Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyou' instead of KareKano and 'Hanazakari no kimitachi e' instead of HanaKimi because they're just so much funner to say than HanaKimi and KareKano. ::shrugs:: I'm a freak by nature if not also by design. =_=

I'm tempted to just call Yakitate! Japan by a shorter more amusing name. YakiPan [like yakisoba pan?]. Or YakiJa, but it sounds even MORE like a foodstuf that way, so no... I won't... But I did skip the first 5 episodes because I say them at the convention once, read the manga already up to tankouban 13, and have no desire to see those episodes again... except for the judge guy, because he is just crazy funny. I can't wait until I get to the episode where he falls to the ground after eating a delicious bread [I forgot who's] and makes the kanji 'inu' for dog. Or the one where he does that stupid as hell crab shuffle I remember reading in the manga and saw as someone's icon. ::laughs:: I have up to, what? 42 I think? I have a ways to go... but I hope it doesn't pass a slowly as HachiClo did. Sorry to say, but HachiClo dragged out something horrible and it felt like it too me forever to watch it. 0.o E21 just whizzed by though. Probably because it has a lot more action. I will, though, never understand how an anime/manga about making bread could be so interesting. Perhaps because I'm an idiot. =_=

Oh, yeah, and yay for Takemoto for standing up to Morita-senpai and preventing himself from getting a haircut. ::cheers:: Takemoto! You've become a man! Or so Mayama says... and we know how manly he is with his running away.... but I digress...

Owari. Kage. ::in a singsong voice:: I'm gonna work on my synopsis for my story! ::twirls:: I need to do some research! ::cries::

eyeshield 21, anime, honey and clover

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