Story Details

Apr 16, 2006 00:56

Story time! Ah ha ha ha! ::blinks:: That laugh definitely came from Morita-senpai... Honey & Clover has taken yet another small part of my soul. Apparently, I have lot of them to give away... >_>

Anyway, I've been really thinking about my story recently. Not the Caster one, that's on hiatus now, officially. If I don't find my black notebook soon, I'm going to have to resign myself to rewriting what was lost... and I don't even know what half of that was. I mean, seiously, I have no idea. What did I write in there? It'd be funny if it was in my car... ::laughs::

My revision of my revised version of my original story Under Fire is under way. It had so many inconsistancies and plot holes it was ridiculous. The revised version... I don't even know how it was even revised. It's completely different from the original, but only 50% of it in a good way. I started both stories off the same, but they spiraled off into two different things after that. This third version... ::cries:: Now has 3 parts, a la crack_alchemist. ::shakes fist:: Damn you!

Anyway, DitL, the abbreviation of the new name of my story, has the same plot holes and inconsistancies as the first UF [Under Fire]. >_0 I'm trying to work those out now by means of long meandering conversations with my self via LJ to sort out my thoughts! Yay! ::coughs:: So the first thing I decided that needed to happen was stabalize the environment. That includes the time line. The second, What's the caste system like? Do they even have one? What's the culture?

Aaa!!!! Too much!!! These are all things I need to do before I even start writing again! Noo~ooo!

That, and I'm starting DitL differently than UF and UF[Revised]. Ogenki once told me [No, his name isn't Ogenki because I don't think any self respecting person, otaku or not, who name their child after a hentai manga/anime (Ogenki Clinic anyone?) or after a greeting (O genki desu ka?)]... So yeah, Ogenki once told me that it was a horrible way to begin a story. At that time I thought, 'Huh? It's not that bad. Drops right into the action, right?' but nope, he was right. It's a horrible way to start a story. ::laughs:: starts to cry::

So, I've decided on a whole NEW opening. In fact, it concretely solidifies the main character, so that it won't shift in the middle of the story like before. That was a stupid mistake I did twice. I have a horrible habit of it, too. Constantly switching viewpoints and ignoring those of the characters I don't write well. Ah ha ha~... ::cries again:: Now that I've decided on doing this from the three main points, I have no choice BUT to write from the point of view I had the most problems writing. Oh, and even that viewpoint has changed.

I never even understood myself how the elf and priestess got together, and with my plot concretion and epiphany about my story as a whole, that won't even happen. It seems like the 2nd in command of the operation and the elf'll be together. That leaves one whole side open, but if I can get the geography right, then I don't even have to worry about that either... because it'll either be on the ocean like before [except there's no ships opposing them] or they'll be backed to the mountains. Aaa~ What am I gonna do?! ::rolls around:: Nooo~ooo! Too complicated!

::cries:: The position of this story in a timeline is what bothers me the most. I have to do some research. I didn't want it to be way back before the pilgrims. Back when ship routes were just beginning or anything like that. But it has to be some time before the Industrial Revolution. No machines or light bulbs or anything like that. But... That leaves open a big window. ~_~ ::more crying:: The food and drink of the times was always what threw my story off. What the hell do they eat? At first, I made the mistake of giving them beer, then switching it later to mead. Hell, I don't even know what mead is! So, I think it'll be decided that it's wine. Wine's been around for a hella long time, right? So there it is! Wine, bread, and cheese damnit! Dried meats... eto... eto... Research... Re~search~! ::groans:: I'm getting an ulcer...

Yeah, and I have to make sure I characterize my characters correctly this time. They always start off one way, then take a mind of their own. Damn them! I'm all for character development, but they always go the way they want to. That's why I never do fanfiction. I can never keep a tight control over a character and mold him/her the way I want/way they need to be. In fact, when I started Caster, Blaine was quite the snarky/sarcastic bastard. It was really weird to see him act that way in the beginning. I was like, 'Whoa?! He was like this?! What the hell?' I changed that about him before posting. It was just so sudden a change it just didn't fit. 0.o

Back to DitL, the reason some of my character relationships are so weird is because I'm so bad at them myself. =_= It's hard for me to get character interactions to work the way I want because I rarely act like many of my characters. Bits and pieces here and their, but mostly, none are like me, thus they have different motivations, different embarassments, different reasons for living. Aa. It's so hard. Well. Gambatte... ne?

Aa! Eureka 7! 0.o I forgot that was supposed to come one today. I'm glad I turned the TV on to make sure GitS:SAC didn't come on earlier... They cut the OP, but at least it was tasteful. And that kid, Renton, his life really can't suck that much... I don't care what he says... And then, the end. He drives his motorcycle thing OFF A CLIFF then thinks AM I GONNA BE ALRIGHT? This is kinda high. AM I GONNA BE ALRIGHT? Yes. STUPID. You are a complete idiot, but because you are the MAIN CHARACTER, you will LIVE, if for no other reason.

story, ditl, eureka 7

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