This one's for Kathy. (xoxo!)

Aug 11, 2005 15:01

You Are the Very Gay Velma!

She might not even realize it...
But Velma is all about Daphne ... not Fred!

What Gay Childhood Icon Are You?

Ok, yo. I don't have internet in my new apartment, so that is why I haven't updated in a kagillion years. It's sad. But! Plenty has happened, but I find that if you don't update these things daily/weekly, they tend to fade or blend together into brain goo. But considering that a good 75% of my readership was actually there for any/all funny and interesting events that I would write about, I guess I'm not at too much of a loss.

However, for that remaining 25%, or for those of us who love to revel in the past, I will do my best to reconstruct some amusement or introspection from my summer as it comes to me. Whenever I acquire the internet, which sounds easy but I'm lazy and cheap, so this is getting delayed. Perhaps when school starts I will, mainly because I have to. But it's been nice to take a retreat from the trappings of LJ posting and commenting. Because really, aren't I just a phone call away, people?

Anyway, the new apartment is amazing. Tiny, but perfect. Hopw much space does one really need? The most I ever have over is like maybe 2 people. Usually. I tried to have a Cranium gathering, but apparently everyone I know thought this was a brilliant idea, so then I had a full-scale party on my hands, complete with a bitchy chastizing by my landlord the next day about how "we're not a party house." Uh, yeah. Weird. It's like one night of crazy popularity dictates my usual social life... But, if I do say so myself, it was a killer time.

(NOTE: Speaking of crazy fantastic parties, if you are in my Boston area.... August 19th. The Hundred Dollar Party. Jill's place. Formal attire. Debauchery expected.)

So. I'm supposed to be writing my final exam essay for my American Lit class, which is due at 6:00. I have like 4 pages to go? It's 3:30 now? Meh. Nothing I can't handle I say. Seriously though, its kinda depressing because it occured to me that my tatics of bullshitting through my college eductaion (a generalization... I do work at some things) actually has worked well for me. Like, I crap things out the last minute, I don't read everything I'm supposed to, I doodle in class... yet somehow it doesn't seem to matter. Is this Emerson? The nature of college? Or have I just cracked the system and through my years of formal education learned what to pay attention to and what to completely bypass? Because there is an element of guilt associated with my laziness... how am I able to get away with it?

Who knows. I'm entering ym last year of college. After today, it's 7 more classes until I have a double Bachelor's degree. HOw the hell did that sneak up on me? And who, by God, did I inadvertantly pay off in order to get so lucky?

I should finish this essay. Only to move on to the next essay... Myabe not tomorrow, or the day after, but yes, more of the same inner dialogue will come... Should I put this off and update my livejournal about how I'm guilty that I'm putting it off? Or should I just press on, towards this notion that this is what I really want or need? Oh, life.

Do I contradict myself?
Indeed, I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
- Walt Whitman, whom I would marry if I lived a long time ago and if he wasn't gay.
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