No words can express...

Aug 08, 2009 00:23

I try to keep mundane things like work and and real-life stuff in general out of my LJ, but I just have to put this out here:

My manager is the most incompetent human being alive.

I have met bananas who're more qualified than him.

All of the employees (YES, ALL FOUR OF US) are graded like schoolchildren based on our sales. The district manager hates all four of us because our store sucks in comparison to the other ones. This may or may not have something to do with the fact that we are literally a store inside a store located deep in the ghettos.

So I had my ass chewed out by the manager because me and my other 2 coworkers were ranked at an F, while Mr. Hotshot Manager ranked at a glorious D, so it's obviously not his fault because a D clearly shows that he's going above and beyond the call of duty to cater to the store's needs. And he basically told all three of us that the district manager wants to have us fired but the only reason we're still in the game is because we're his ONLY employees and he's looking to turn that around when he hires a few new people.

Now, I wouldn't be mind being told that I suck if he didn't suck so much himself.

Take for example, today, when we were about to close the store and call in the numbers to him. He asked us to calculate our percentage of preorders-to-transactions. And we kicked ass that day in preorders. Like, I mean, we were mindblowingly awesome, and according to our dumb report card, we ranked at a C, which is more than anyone should expect out of our poor excuse of a store. Anyway, he tells us to calculate it by dividing the total transactions by the total number of preorders, which, for anyone who's ever passed 6th grade math should know, IS WRONG. But we did it anyway because he was cranky and it was late and came up with a 6-point-something. He tells us "Today's preorders weren't bad, but we still didn't make the cut, so keep pushing for more tomorrow."

The real percentage, by the way, was 15.9%

But on the other hand, an ex-coworker dropped by and brought BlazBlue and it was awesome so we sat there playing BlazBlue all day because we never get any customers and we sent some kid to fetch us FreezePops and we had a little party because we hate our manager and we hate our job.

rant, life, work

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