
Jun 09, 2005 21:04

Y'know, I usually like reading Wil Wheaton's blog, but his bit today on voice actors not getting a fair shake (here) aggravated me.  I mean, approximately $150/$160 an hour and the voice actors aren't satisfied?  So I had this whole response typed up that I was thinking about actually posting in his comments, then decided it was more on my opinions about how much performers get paid vs. people like, say, me, so I was just going to put it here.  And then I accidentally deleted it.

I'm pretty sure the universe is trying to tell me something there.

Also, something blooming does not agree with my sinuses.  Every time I go outside, I get this nausea and pressure that builds into a headache.  So, naturally, the first thing I did when I got BPal imps today was start sniffing them.  Because that's so good for sinus headaches, you know.  At any rate, I now want to poke my eye out with a spork and I've found that Katharina almost disappears on me, but does leave the tiniest trace of a warm scent, while Iambe turns very, very sweet and reminds me of Scarborough Faire and something social--church gatherings in the parlor, maybe.  Um, caer_sidi, your very late birthday gift should be arriving soon.  Read nothing into the fact that I was just talking about something arriving at my house, really (and if you don't have a clue what they are, let me know so I can explain).

And now I've let Will smell them and I may just have to poke out both eyes.  I hate my sinuses.

I have the oddest reluctance to write.  I mean, like, I write one sentence and and even though I know what's coming next, I jump back to refresh LJ or skim through ff.net in a desperate attempt to be not writing.  It's like I'm rebelling against myself.  Which, as I just pointed out to Will in a different context, is just plain stupid.  It would help if my head would *ever* quit hurting.

Electricians came to check out my weirdly-shutting-off-power and concluded it must be TXU since it was happening on several different circuits and also hasn't happened in a while.  Which is cool, as it cuts down on the possibility that my house will burn down from an electric fire.  Ha!  Cool!  No fire!  Punny!  shuddup, I have a headache

In other news, to make myself feel better about not buying a permanent account (because sending my kid to camp is more important, no matter how shiny the icon slots were), I bought more flowers/flowering bushes for my garden instead.  On the plus side, it cost me about 1/5 of what a permanent account would have cost.  Also, LJ wasn't offering to entertain and supervise my kid for two weeks of the summer like the YMCA is, so guess who deserves my money more?  Will is already planning out which activities he wants to do, and soon I will have bleeding hearts, columbine, and fairy roses.

Just for the record?  What Mr. Wheaton is not considering to be enough for doing four hours of voice work will pay for Will's camp.  I am so in the wrong line of work.

money, rant, gardening, will

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