
Mar 06, 2005 22:15

Dear world,

Thank you for not making me go to work tomorrow.  I am very happy about that.



SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news: I'm taking Will and his sisters to FW zoo tomorrow, long as she doan' rain, and I think it's going to be a blast.  My mom expressed some concern that it would just be one of me and three of them.  Me: Mom, I took over a hundred kids to the zoo once, and walked around with eight of them by myself without losing any.  I think I can handle it.  Mom: But you'll have them all in the car for two hours.  Me: Thank god for the Paxil.

And really, seriously, if there is a god of mood-altering drugs, I need to offer him/her/it/them a sacrifice or something.  I mean, I took Will (and the dog) out to the park that's basically a big pond with a 1.7 mile trail around it, walked all the way around, and didn't once feel like gagging him.  Will, that is.  The dog is female, and also much quieter when she's not howling.  When she is howling, she sounds like a werewolf.  But I digress.  The fact that I had *fun* just walking around and chatting with him is so much an improvement that ... I can't even explain it.  And I know it sounds horrible that I didn't do that before, but about all I was feeling before was rage, sadness, and despair, and I felt like I needed silence to keep my sanity.  Trust me, motormouth 13 year olds are *not* conducive to silence.

I introduced Will to the Indiana Jones movies this week.  I figured no child should go through life without exposure to that cultural icon.  Was interesting to watch as an adult, though--first, for the Star Wars references I hadn't caught as a kid, and second, for the fact that they were *really* B-movie-ish.  But fun.  Will loved them.

I also finished Tad Williams' War of the Flowers today.  I thought it was a very good take on the "mortal goes to Faerie" subgenre; interesting, reasonably original in all the ways it should be, and the characters were believable.  I thought it was maybe a little rushed at the end, but then, it's huge, so maybe he was getting tired.  The copyeditor--or someone--should get fired, though; the number of mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and missing words was just plain appalling.  Even so, I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a long, solid fantasy story.

I planted a rosebush and a Japanese maple today.  Here's hoping they survive.

And, finally, on a fannish note: is it just me, or does it seem to other people like SG1 is trying to see how many previous plots they can reuse in one season?

books, pmdd, gardening, will

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