The times, they are a'changin'

Oct 24, 2004 19:14

Spent today being jail keeper.  Read fan fiction.  Was fun, in a not exactly fun way.

Took a great deal of satisfaction out of setting plate of nachos on Ralph Hall's face on the flier he was so kind to send me with the penny encased in metal that I still don't get even though he's been handing them out since I was a kid.  Because that's how long he's been in office.  Why is it we don't have term limits in Congress?

All our 7th graders took the same test for English across the entire grade.  One passage they were supposed to answer editing questions (a la TAKS) was about Sputnik I and the Soviet Union.  It was astounding how many of them had no idea what the Soviet Union was or even how to pronounce it.

Was reading a Pros story and was curiously disturbed by a scene where a woman was trying to seduce Bodie and/or Doyle.  I don't think she was picky.  The disturbing thing wasn't the seduction, but rather the fact that it had been made clear previously in the story that she was unattractive both physically and in her actions.  Bodie disliked her very strongly, and Ray even more so.  And yet, when she made Bodie mad, he had sex with her in front of Doyle with his attention on Doyle--basically using her body as a medium between himself and his partner (at the time, the idea of B. and D. having sex or even being attracted to each other hadn't been discussed).  She agreed with the sex and seemed to enjoy it, but *I* was disturbed by the whole thing.

I wrote an essay in college discussing someone's theory of woman as the intermediary between men--not valued for her own sake, but for her quality of 'safety' that allows the two men to interact without threat to their (hetero)sexuality.  This was like the ultimate example of that essay.  Icked me out.

Am still debating about NaNo.  Will probably not, as I have no ideas and no time.  Except I *wanna*.

Am also debating uploading Jeremiah stories to (in my head, I call this fuh-fuh-d'net.  In my head, I am weird.).  On the one hand, I've never uploaded any stories there, due to . . . well, pride, I guess.  Snooty-ness.  I mean, dear *god* have you read some of that crap?  But over the years, more decent authors have started using it, so it's not *quite* the equivalent of the Nifty archive that it used to be.  The only reason *to* upload would be to (possibly) stir up some interest for the fandom; reasons against?  Sheer laziness, story not on my server, having hugely high profile on internet . . .  I don't know.  Must ponder more.

politics, writing, thoughtful, school

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