I am amused by
this site that lets you adopt dragon eggs and, I'm guessing, generates traffic b/c the dragons hatch if you get enough unique views, as near as I can tell. See my eggs?
If you have time, would you click them and help them hatch? Thanks!
In other news, I want the following technology, which doesn't necessarily exist:
+ A Tivo-thingy that lets you beam your recorded shows from one tv to another, without necessarily being able to record--just view. The draw being that it would be significantly cheaper than buying a new Tivo and I would be able to watch the stuff I've recorded in my bedroom without going through a zillion different steps.
+ A blue-tooth capable phone that plays music and audiobooks (and video, if possible, but not necessary), can display ebooks in pdf and possibly other forms, has a quirty keyboard, has a camera, PDA capabilities (at least contacts and calendar, but the ability to put other palm-esque programs on it would be nice), the ability to do internet stuff and texting, and most importantly of all, does not have exposed buttons/keys. Before I got my flip phone, I was always having buttons pushed by my purse shifting, and I was convinced I was going to end up calling some country that I couldn't afford. China really doesn't need to hear from me, I promise.
And in technology that does exist:
+ A new camera, as I think I drowned mine.
+ An Asus Eee(eee?), because wee computers that would fit in your purse are adorable.