Na, na, na

Dec 28, 2007 23:14

For some reason, I decided that I needed to go back and tag all my LJ entries. Yeah, I dunno either. Apparently I used to write a lot more than I do now.

Had annual checkup today. Got tetanus shot, which is probably of the good. In general, was pleased that: dr didn't find anything weird in exam, have lost roughly 30 pounds (although put on 2 since Thanksgiving--I blame the fruitcake), dr seemed to think that back-to-back bc will be fine, hopefully reducing moments of insanity when going through "idiot pill" days. Was disturbed by: dr's statement that "with your family history, I expect you to become diabetic" when I talked to her about hypoglycemic symptoms. Erm. Must look into ways of preventing this, as I don't particularly want to be diabetic. Obviously, losing more weight would be step 1.

Am currently "watching" High School Musical 1 & 2 (for values of watching that equal having it on while tagging old journal entries). I blame ohinternets for mentioning it enough to make me interested. Basicallly, Grease, it's definitely not. It's not even Grease 2. One of the guys seems to be based on Justin Timberlake, though, so that's worth some amusement.

Am having writing withdrawal. Must find something to write. Am open to suggestions, if anyone has requests they think I can do.

writing, health, movies, life on lj

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